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We woke up quite early the next morning and Brook had taken me down to the beach before it was crowded. I held my sandals in my left hand and interlocked my right hand with Brook's. We walked along the beach, the sea water brushing against my toes. My hair blew in the breeze as I took in the view.

Brook pulled me behind one of the cliffs into a lagoon. It was surrounded by cliff tops and rocks. My mouth hung open with amazement. Brook pulled me onto one of the larger rocks. He sat, looking into the distance.

"It's beautiful." I said, looking out to sea.

"My dad used to bring me here as a kid. Me and my sister would play around on the rocks, looking for crabs. I've missed being here. It brings back so many memories."

I held Brook's hand in mine, admiring the view.

"I almost forgot," he said, pulling something from his backpack. "Happy birthday."

He passed me a white, silk book with the words 'forever and always' sewn on the front with golden thread. I opened it and flipped through he pages. It was set up like a scrap book, pictures of us from the very beginning; every good memory we had together.

- Me holding onto his arm at the escape room back in October.

-Me laying against his shoulder falling asleep, whilst watching a film.

-When he caught me whilst playing tig in the park.

- When we stood kissing against the sideboard, just before mum had walked in.

-The time I sat on his shoulders and hung a bauble on the branch of a bare tree.

- And just yesterday as we kissed each other in the pool.

I held back the tears.."How did you get all these?"

"Rye and your mum would snap pictures when you weren't looking. Every time they took one I'd add it to the book. I guess it was to remind you of everything that has happened the least few months. I-"

"I love it!" I said, pulling him into a tight hug. A tear of happiness escaped my eye. "It's perfect." Brook hugged me back, kissing my head.

"I'm glad you like it."

"I really do. I love it. I love you Brooklyn."

"I love you too. And maybe, as we get older, we can fill it with future memories too."

"Like what?"

"I don't know; when we move in together, days out, holidays, our wedding day-"

"Our wedding day?"

"Well, yeah. Ashley, I want to be with you forever. And I don't want to imagine what it would be like without you. I want you to be the one I marry, I want you to be the one I have kids with, I want you to be the one I'm buried next to when we die. I love you and I always will. Forever and always..."

I smiled, kissing him lightly on the lips. I wanted to stay in that moment forever. Just me and Brooklyn.

We spent the rest of the day sight seeing. Brook took me to all of his favourite places, including visiting the Kato Paphos Archaeological Park. It was amazing! We returned to the hotel for six and I was meeting up with my mum to go to the bar. She said it was because I was eighteen and could drink now, but I knew she was just using that as an excuse to get drunk.

I slipped into the dress my mum had given to me as a present earlier in the day...

I slipped into the dress my mum had given to me as a present earlier in the day

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I felt pretty and sophisticated, I just felt happy. I stood for a second looking at myself in the mirror, I looked happy too.

I knew me and Brook had only been together a few months but I was so excited he had mentioned marriage. It might not be a proposal, yet, but I knew one would be coming eventually. I didn't mind waiting.

I kept my make up minimal and fastened my hair up in a loose bun at the back of my neck. Giving one more quick twirl I shouted Brooke to come in.

"Brooklyn? Are you ready?"

He poked his head around the door
"Yeah I'm.. Aw babe you look beautiful."

He came up behind me as I stood in front of the mirror, he slid his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek,

"Come on birthday girl. Let's go get drunk!"

He pulled me from the room by my hand, I giggled like the pathetic lovestruck girl I was.
I didn't know much, but I knew life was pretty damn perfect right now.

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