You can relax now...

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Brooks pov:

I let out a blood-curdling scream, staring from the counter, to the stained top on the floor. Ashley's mum came running out of the bathroom in a sports bra and denim shorts. She screamed too, covering her bare stomach with a pillow.

"You scared me! Why are you screaming?!" She asked startled.

"There's blood all over the counter and clothes on the floor are covered in it and I swear, if one more bad thing happens I'm going to lose it! And-"

"You pansy! That's not blood!"


"I spilt red wine all over myself. I threw my top on the floor and went to the bathroom to tidy myself up. I was gonna clean it up!"

I let out a sigh of relief. Ashley's mum returned wearing a vest. She grabbed a cloth and wiped down the counter.

"Did you catch the guy anyway?" She asked, removing her stained top from the floor.

"Yeah. The police took him down to the station."

"That's good. At least you can relax now. Ashley texted me saying she's on her way home anyway."

"Ok, thanks." I said, sitting down on the sofa. "You really need to start locking that door by the way. I didn't even have to knock, before walking straight in."

"Yeah. But your the only one I have to worry about doing that. Besides that wierd friend of yours?"


"Yeah. What's his problem anyway. I have a feeling he flirts with anything that moves."

"You'd be surprised." I said laughing.

At the same time Ashley walked in wearing this...

At the same time Ashley walked in wearing this

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She looks stunning. I couldn't stop staring.

Ashley's pov:

Brooklyn was sat on the couch, just staring at me. And I've got to admit, it was making me slightly uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. You just look so..."

"You look stunning." My mum interrupted. "And I'm sure Brook will say something similar when he regains his use of words."

I smiled. "Thanks mum. But I can't wait to get out to get out of this dress. It's so tight, it feels like a second skin." I pulled my shoes off, collapsing next to Brook on the sofa.

"How did it go?"

"Good. The pyschyo, however, was the guy who kissed you at the concert. He was an ex trialist for the band and he was angry that I got the spot that he wanted."

"No way!" I said, putting my hand over my mouth. "Did you tell the police."

"Yeah. They took him down to the station, due to the fact that he pulled a gun out on us. It's a good job Ryan was there to knock him out with a chair or some one could have got hurt..."

"I'm so sorry." I said, cupping his cheek with my hand.

"It's not your fault."

About an hour later, mum had headed to bed. I was sat at the bottom of my bed, trying to take my dress off. Brook walked over to me, helping me to unzip my dress at the back.

I gently leant in and kissed Brooks lips. We pulled away taking shallow breaths. Brook held my head in his hands and pulled me in for one more fiery kiss. My hands worked their way around his body feeling every crevasse, each line along his perfect physique.
I lied on my back, as Brook traced his finger up my side, exploring. I pulled away, opening my eyes. We stared into each other's eyes. Love. Passion. Brooks leant in once more and softly kissed up and down my neck. I let out a heavy breath of anticipation. He worked his way back to my lips. I rolled over to lay on top of him. I put my finger to my lips, telling him we had to be quiet. I pulled his top over his head and ran my lips up his neck. Before landing an intense kiss on Brook's lips.

"I love you Brooklyn Wyatt..."

"I love you too Ashley Hunter..."

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