The Call

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of  my phone ringing. I could just make out Brooklyn's name on my phone screen through my blurry vision.

"Hello?" I said, in my croaky morning voice.

"Oh My God, Ashley! Guess what?!" Brooklyn shouted down the phone.

"What's going on Brook?" I asked, yawning.

"One of the supporting acts at Olly Mur's show has dropped out!"


"And they've asked us to fill in the space!" 

"Oh My Gosh! That's amazing!"

"And that's not all! They said we can bring a person each to the show with us. So how do you feel about supporting us in the crowd at Olly Mur's concert?"

"Yes! I'd love to! God, I can't wait!"

"Cool. I'll call over in a bit anyway. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up the phone collapsing back onto the bed. I plunged my face in my pillow, before dragging myself out of bed. Brooklyn arrived not long after. I answered the door wearing a long t-shirt and knee high socks. I stood on my tipptoes and pecked him on the lips.

"Morning." I said smiling.

"Morning. Sorry it's so early. I rang you as soon as I got the news." He said planting a kiss on my cheek.

"No worries. We'll just have to keep quiet. My mum's still in bed. Do you want a drink or anything?" I asked, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

"No, I'm good."

I took a seat on the couch next to Brooklyn. I crossed my legs, resting my head on Brooks shoulder. My mum walked out of her bedroom a second later. Her eyes were blood shot and her sleeping mask had been pushed up onto her forehead.

She dragged her feet along the floor as she walked to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. She turned around a jumped, after noticing me and Brook curled up on the couch.

"So this is what a zombie mum looks like?" I joked, jumping up and pulling the sleeping mask off of her head.

She took a seat on the edge of the couch, resting her head on a pillow. Every couple of seconds, her eyes began to close before shooting back open again. I took up my space on the sofa.

"Guess what?" I asked her.

"Mmm hmm?"

"I'm off to the Olly Murs concert next week."

My mum lifted her head off of the pillow.

"Since when?"

"Since Brook's band got asked to perform as a supporting act at the concert."

"I'm not jealous." She said, avoiding eye contact.

She picked herself off the sofa and made her way back to her bedroom to get ready for work. I shook my head and turned to face Brooklyn. I placed a soft kiss on his cheek and interlocked my hand with his.

We sat and made our plans relating to the concert. It was in Manchester, so I'd be getting a lift with the boys and we'd have to stay at a hotel overnight. It was Friday, so I only had three days. We were setting off early on Monday morning and the concert was at night, so I still had tomorrow and Sunday to pack my bags.

We were meeting up with the boys later on, but we still had the rest of the morning to watch Netflix and chill. I toasted some pop tarts for me and Brooklyn.

"You know we're gonna have to tell the guys before we leave?" I asked.

"About what?"

"You know? Us. They deserve to know. I mean, we have kept it a secret for the last two months and as much as it's been great, they're going to get suspicious about where your wandering off to all the time."

"Yeah, thats true.Well, we can tell them later on if you want?"

"I think that's best." I said, handing Brooklyn his plate.

Mum poked her head between me and Brooklyn, stealing a pop tart from my plate. She hugged me with her free arm, before casually strolling out of the apartment.

After breakfast, me and Brooklyn got changed to go meet the guys. Brook shoved on some of the spare clothes he had left at the house over the past couple weeks. I'm surprised nobody had questioned where he was sleeping most nights.

I decided to wear something summery   as it was quite warm today...

We interlocked our hands, before leaving the apartment and walking down to the park

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We interlocked our hands, before leaving the apartment and walking down to the park...

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