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"I'm going to show you something, but you have to promise not to freak out ok?"
Brook searched my face while he waited for my answer.

"I promise not to freak out."

"I make no such promise. You better start talking Brooklyn. That rolling pin is only inches away. Capiche?" My mum whispered through clenched teeth.

Brooklyn reached into his pocket and passed his phone over to my mum, we huddled together on the sofa and started reading the messages..

P: 'hey there. Guess who?'

B: 'I don't really feel like guessing. Who is this? Is it you Rye?'

P: 'Tuff shit. Guess pretty boy. Rye? Dnt b stupid. He's even worse than u. I saw u yday. Bet u can't gess who I am? Btw Ur gf is perfect... mmmm'

B:'what the hell? Are you some sort of psycho? Leave her out of this! Who are you? Why are you texting me?'

P: 'If I am u made me 1. I wnt be leaving her out of nething. I'm me n I am going 2 txt u until you give her up. She is m9'

B:'i made you a psycho, you have to b kidding. If this is a joke it isn't funny. Leave me alone'

P:'no, u av2 b kidding. U ruined my life. U didn't even recognise me did u?!?!?! I wnt b leaving u alne, I'm guna ruin u like u ruined me. U will pay for wot u did. Even if I av 2 go thru ur little gf. She shudnt b wiv a total dick like u. Giv her up or I will take her neway.'

P:'Never mind who I am I know who u are. Ur girlf deserves sum1 better. Sum1 like me. U shud leave her alone. She shud be with me. If you don't leave I'll just take her. If I can't have her no-one can....'

P:' Ignore me if u want. I'm still here, u don't know what I'm capable of. U to everything from me. Be it's my turn 2 take sumthing from u...starting with ASHLEY....'

B:'Who are you and what the he'll are you threatening me for? If I've done something to piss u off dude, I'm sorry. But leave her out of this. do you know her name?'

P:'Lol. Wudnt u like 2 knw...'

I looked at my mum, slightly terrified. She looked back at me and then at Brooklyn.

"What the hell!" She exclaimed. " What kind of psycho is this dude! And what does he want with my daughter?!"

"I don't know. But I promise you, if they lay a finger on Ashley, I'm going to find them and hurt them."

"Wait. You seriously don't know who it could be?"

"Not a clue!"

"Do you remember getting into an argument with anyone or anything like that?"

"No. I've been too busy with concerts and Ashley to talk to anyone else."

"What about in the past? Any old rivals?"

"Not that I can remember." Brooklyn put his hands on his head, exhaling. He walked back and forth as he thought.

My mum put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't stress out over it. We'll figure it out in the morning,  you look exhausted. You two go and get some sleep. I'll stay on the sofa tonight. Just in case..."

I hugged Brooklyn lightly and we made our way to my bedroom. He was taking this who psycho thing even worse than I was. As soon as if closed my door, Brooklyn pressed a wet kiss against my lips.

"I love you Ash, Me and your mum won't let anyone hurt you. But you have to promise me, you'll call me if you're ever in danger and me and Ryan will be straight there. Ok?"

"Ok." I said, resting my forehead against his. I heard the front door open and my mum's voice.

"Hey. Stop! What do you think youre doing?"

Rye burst into our bedroom.

"You better explain yourself, man!" Rye said throwing his phone to me and Brook. My mum ran into the room a second later.

"You're not the only ones that  this psychos messing with!" Rye shouted, anger in his voice. We read through the message on Rye's phone.

Unknown - U didn't think I'd forgotten 'bout u did u? You'll pay just as much of a price as your little friend. I'm coming for u 2. Don't worry, I know where to find you. I saw Brook get out of your car a couple minutes back. It's nice that he thinks he can protect his girlfriend isn't it? Let's see how good you are at protecting yourself...'

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