Dark Cloud

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We were home by eleven in the morning. I was exhausted. I walked into the apartment as Brooklyn followed me. I heard murmurs and odd whistles... I turned to find the boys had followed us up, uninvited.

"What the hell!" Ryan exclaimed. "You didn't tell us your girlfriend was rich Brook."

"That's because I'm not." I cut in.

"You have a chandelier hanging above a thousand pound sofa. We don't even have a working light in our living room, let alone one surrounded by strings of diamonds! Does your mum work for the queen or something?"

"No, she used to record music in a studio down town, but she currently started working for a magazine company, taking a design course. And that chandelier is from ikea"

"See. Rich!"

I rolled my eyes, opening the curtains and revealing the oversized balcony.

"And look at that balcony!" Ryan moaned, "You could fit a double bed on there!"

After another two hours of watching tv and Ryan ranting about my apartment, I said goodbye to everyone. Once again, me and Brooklyn had the apartment to ourselves.

Brooklyn was leaning against the kitchen counter on his phone. I walked over to him, taking the phone from his hand. I pressed my lips to his and rested his hands against my waist. He pulled me against him. I felt his hot breath on the side of my face, then the tender brush of lips. I felt as if I was burning as they moved and made contact with my neck. A hand ran through my hair, as the kiss became more urgent. Another hand slid around my waist, and pulled me closer to his pine scented body. His kisses were now on my collarbone. I traced my fingers up and down his back. I was so lost in Brook's kisses, that I didn't hear the door open.

"Get a room..." My mum said walking straight past us...

Brooklyn and I sprung apart guiltily.

"Go snog his face off in front of HIS mum. I've just eaten."

I rolled my eyes and trudged after her,
"Well hello mother, nice to see you too. My day was awesome thanks. How was yours?" I uttered sarcastically.

"Hey!!" Mum yelled, "Don't you EVER call me mother again... Do I look like I'm wearing a cardigan and sporting pearls? Huh? I don't think so."

There was something in her tone that made me think she wasn't quite joking. I looked over at Brooklyn, his face was a mask of confusion with a slight look of fear in his eyes.

"That's my cue." He winked, he grabbed his belongings and smacked a lush, wet kiss on my lips.
"I will see you tomorrow, I love you." As I heard the front door slam I turned to my mum.

"Okay crazy lady, what's going on? That's was slightly dramatic, even for you." I sat down beside her on the couch. "C'mon mum fess up."
She fiddled with a piece of her hair and looked at me through her lashes...
"I know something happened with you and Brooklyn. Call it mum's intuition or whatever, but I know and you didn't say anything."

Just as I was about to explain, my phone began to ring... I saw Brooks smiling face lighting up my screen,

"We are not finished mum. Two seconds."

I made my way to my bedroom....

"Hey babe. Miss me already?"

"Ash are you still home are...are you ok?" The panic in his voice was unmistakable.

"Course I'm home, you literally just left. Is this a wind up?" He breathed an audible sigh of relief. I heard a door close before he whispered...

"I'm coming back over, I'll be about an hour. Don't answer any strange numbers and whatever you do don't answer the mothereffin door. Okay? I love you." Then he hung up.....

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