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Brook's pov:

I watched as Ashley ran away from me for the second time in two days. I wanted to chase after her and tell her that I was sorry, but I knew she didn't want me to. I saw the sadness in her eyes, the anger. What had I done? I needed to explain everything, but I couldn't. I'd hurt her. I had hurt Ashley.

I felt a warm tear escape from my eye and fall down my cheek. I missed her. I missed her deep blue eyes, her wavy, ash blonde hair, the dimples in her cheeks when she smiled, her smile, her kisses, her cute, little button nose, her voice which was as sweet as strawberries. I missed the way she snuggled into me at night when she was sleeping. I missed everything about her.

I felt another tear dribble down my face and I wiped it away with my sleeve. Rye noticed and placed him hand on my shoulder. It should have comforted me, but it didn't. I didn't want Rye to be the one with his hand on my shoulder. I wanted it to be Ashley. The tears fell faster now. But I didn't bother to wipe them away.

I collected the shards of glass, silently crying, and we walked back to the flat.

Ashley's pov:

As soon as I was in the apartment, I collapsed. I looked at him and he looked so...guilty. I should have hugged him, kissed him. Something. But I didn't. I made things worse. I saw the hurt in his eyes when I smashed the bauble. Why had I done that?

I missed him. I missed his shining, green eyes, his bleached blonde hair, his cheesy smile, his kisses, his hugs. I missed the way he'd hold me whether I was upset, cold or just tired. I missed everything about him.

My phone vibrated. I picked it up and opened the message from Rye.

Rye - Hey Ash. I hope you're okay. I could see that you were very upset this morning. I know you probably don't care about Brook. But he is so so sorry. All he has done is cried and cried. I just wanted you to know that he misses you that's all.

I gave myself a minute, before texting back. I needed to be strong.

Me - Why couldn't Brook tell me that himself?

Rye - Lexi smashed his phone when he told her to leave. She literally tore apart his room. I think he was gonna tell you at the park too, but you kind off cut him off when you threw the bauble.

Me - I understand that's he's your friend Rye. But you can't stick up for him every time he does something wrong. He really hurt me you know. I just need some time. Ok?

Rye - I understand.

Me - Is she still there?

Rye - Only because she's refusing to leave.

Me - Ok

I stood up and wiped away my tears. I needed some time. To figure things out. He walked away so easily, as far as I knew, there was nothing stopping him from doing that again.

I was half way through watching 'P.S. I Love You", when my phone pinged with an online message. Which I found unusual because nobody ever really messages me online anymore. I opened the message. Brook?

Brook - Ash. Are you there?

I didn't reply.

Brook - I can see that you've read the message.


Brook - It's okay. I understand if you don't want to talk to me. And you don't have to. I just wanted to tell you something...

Me- Like what?

Brook-You replied!!

Brook- I know i was a grade A moron. I just want a chance to explain myself, I made a stupid decision in a shitty situation. I couldn't be more sorry.

Me-You messaged me to tell me you're a sorry Moron?

Brook - No!! When you left, you cut me off! I wanted some time, but only to try get her out of the house. I wasn't saying I needed time away from YOU. I'd never say that. I realise that I still dealt with it wrong, I know I should never have watched you leave. I know I definitely should have chased you, but I didn't because I was in shock. Me and you are meant to be forever and the fact that we could be finished over something so stupid, terrified me. I love you Ashley and I'm so sorry I wasn't the boyfriend you deserve. I promise I will spend the rest of our lives making it up to you. If you'll let me. Xxxx

I felt the tears well up in my eyes, damn him. What could I say to that?

Me- Just give me some time. Please?

Brook - Of course. I'll give you as much time as you need. Just know that I mean it. I really am sorry. Is there a chance that you'll forgive me?

Me - Maybe...

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