Here goes...

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I was kissing Ash. More importantly, she was kissing me back. I was loving every moment of it, but I knew I had to pull away.

"Ash? As much as I would Love to stay here for the rest of the night, we need to work out how to do this. I really want this to... No, I need this to work. But I don't know how."

She smirked at me and batted her eyelashes,

"Don't worry your pretty little head Rye, I have a plan."


"We'll do things that we did before. Just... alone. That way, if anyone catches us, it looks like we're just hanging out. We can watch cheesy films, we can go out for food and for walks in the park. If we need privacy we can hang at mine, my mum works a lot and she wouldn't mind anyway. I want to make this work as much as you. Trust me?"

"Of course I do." I kissed the end of her nose and interlocked my hand with her's, as I led her out of the cafe.
"So.." I asked, "What do you want to do tonight?"

"I don't know... Movie and chill at yours? That's pretty normal right? "

"Sounds good. We can stop at your apartment on the way to mine to grab some clothes and you can stop over."

Ashley looked at me, a questioning look on her face.

"I'll sleep on the floor, with the door open. Nobody will suspect anything." I said, reassuring her.

Half an hour later, I was sat in Ashley's apartment waiting for her to grab some clothes, when her mum walked in. A coffee in one hand and her phone in the other. She stood there, shouting down the phone.

"No! Michael, I need the assignments on my desk by Monday. I only have two days to prepare!...I don't care what Rachel said! Is she hosting the event? No! So, get to it! Now, I'm going to spend some time focusing on my life outside of work. Goodnight!"

She turned and jumped a little, after noticing me.

"Rye, I didn't see you there." She took a sip of her drink, flinging her keys onto the coffee table. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Ash."

"I see" She smirked, "Guessing she's staying at yours?"

"Yeah." I said, tentatively. "If that's ok with you?"

"Yeah. That's fine. How are you anyway?"

"I'm good." I said ,shifting in my seat. Why was I so uncomfortable? It wasn't like I hadn't met Ashley's mum before. "How are you?"

"Me? I'm good, very good." She smiled at me before walking into Ashley's room.

Ashley's pov:

My mum walked into the bedroom and kissed me on the cheek.

"I told you." She said, smirking. I just blushed, nodding my head. I pulled my clothes out and stuffed them into a backpack.

"What about you and Brook?" My mum asked curiously.

"We ended it. He still loves Lexi. It wasn't right."

"That makes sense. So, are you and Rye a thing or...?"

"We're going slow. Seeing if things work out before telling the others."

"I think that's best. Just be careful. Ok? I mean he seems great and I think you two could be great together. But we thought that about Brook remember? Just take your time."

"I will." I said. My mum pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tightly.

"Love you honey."

"Love you too..."

I grabbed my backpack and headed into to living room.

"Ready to leave?" I asked Rye.

"Yeah. See you around Ms Whittaker."

My mum pursed her lips and frowned.

"What happened to our first name basis? Just because you're with Ash now, doesn't mean you have to refer to me as Ms or Maam. I'm not that old."

Rye smirked and nodded his head. "I know for next time."

My mum wiggled her fingers at us. "Bye. Have a good time you two. To a certain extent, of course. Rye look after my baby." She joked.

I rolled my eyes. "Bye, mum." I said, dragging Rye out after me.


Hi guys! Just wanted to apologise for the multiple notifications you may have received, due to an app malfunction. The chapters are all the same and I'll update again soon. Thanks for reading! X

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