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I woke up extra early the next day to the sound of my phone ringing. I could just make out who was calling through my blurry vision. Rye? I picked up the phone and answered in a groggy voice.


"Hi Ashley. Is Brook there? He's not answering my calls or texts."

"Yeah. But he's sleeping. Why?"

"I just need to ask him something that's all. Can you wake him up?"

"Ok. But he's not gonna be very happy..."

I patted Brooklyn on his side. He turned over, blinking at me.

"Rye wants to talk to you..."

Brooklyn looked annoyed all of a sudden.

"Tell him I don't want to talk to him."

"Come on. He sounds panicked."

Brook rolled his eyes and took the phone from me.

"What, Rye?" He said, climbing out of bed and locking himself in the bathroom. Weird.

I heard Brook raising his voice, but I couldn't make out the words.
I tiptoed over to the bathroom and pressed my ear against the door. The next words were unmistakable.,

"I told you Rye! It was just messages. Her's not mine. Now drop it, I don't want to talk about Lexi! Bye."

I moved back as if I had been slapped, Lexi. As in his fucking ex girlfriend Lexi?! I went back to bed and laid under the quilt, pretending to have fallen asleep.

Brook walked in, grabbed a towel and went to get a shower. I thought back to the conversation we had last February...

2 months ago:



"How many girlfriends have you had?"

Brooklyn fidgited in his seat." A few, but only one serious one. Lexi."

"Why did you split?"

"She left me for another guy. She said he was gonna be a footballer one day, more than I could ever be apparently."

"That's harsh..."

"I guess it's my fault. She crawls from one guy to the next. She's all for the fame. I should have known... I guess I had a weak spot for her. But it was a while ago..."

Present day:

I tried to forget about it. Brook wouldn't cheat on me. Would he? I decided to ignore it until we got back to England, trying not to ruin the amazing holiday we'd been having so far. I changed into my bikini, ready for the beach...

 I changed into my bikini, ready for the beach

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I felt a pair of arms wrap around my stomach. I turned to look at Brooklyn. I didn't feel as comfortable as normal. I managed a smile. As Brooklyn moved to kiss me, I pulled away. He looked at me confused.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just a little under the weather." I didn't like lying to him, but I didn't want him to know I'd been listening to his conversation. I grabbed my sunglasses and we made our way down to the lobby to meet my mum.

I spent most of the day with my mum swimming in the sea and playing volleyball. And eventually, I started to forget about the phone call between Rye and Brooklyn. I laughed as mum walked around hitting on multiple people. She finally returned, waving her phone at me. Showing me a phone number.

"You do know we leave tomorrow right?" I said laughing.

My mum nodded. "He's British actually, and he lives in London too. And, I mean, have you seen him? I couldn't resist." She said, smirking.

I laughed as I walked over to Brook sunbathing on the sand. I hadn't talked to Brook for most of the day, trying to avoid any arguments until I knew what was really going on. As me mum ran up to the sea, I sat down next to Brook.

"Why did you mention Lexi?" I blurted out.

Brooklyn sat up and removed his sunglasses. He looked confused.

"What? How did you know-"

"I heard you on the phone. You mentioned her name when you were talking to Rye. Why?"

He looked at me with realisation.

"It's not like that."

"Then what is it like?"

"She showed up at the flat yesterday. She told Rye she was looking for me and that we'd been messaging. I told him she was lying. She's been texting me, saying she wanted me back together." He let out a breath of annoyance. "I didn't reply, but Rye thought I was cheating and I said I wasn't. But he doesn't believe me. He wouldn't quit bugging me about it."

That was it? The thing that I'd been worrying over was something that pathetic? I kissed Brooks cheek.

"I'm not cheating on you. I promise." Brook said, holding my hand. "You believe me don't you?"

I nodded my head, smiling.

"I believe you."

After another hour, we packed up and headed back to the flat. I didn't want to leave. I'd miss the warm weather, living fifteen minutes from the beach, going for a swim whenever I wanted and for how long I wanted. But at the same time, I couldn't wait to see the guys. I'd missed them. We packed our bags ready to leave first thing in the morning and climbed into bed.

"Sorry for over-reacting earlier." I said, "About Lexi..."

"It's ok. You were just worried. I understand."

I hugged Brooklyn, buried my face in his chest. We layed there, holding onto each other. Eventually, I drifted off....

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