60 years later...

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Ashley's pov:

I stand here, in the rain, staring at Rye's gravestone. I come here every year on his birthday and place a new bunch of flowers in his favourite mug, beside the headstone. Tears stream down my withered face, as I twist my wedding ring around my finger and press my lips together. I pull the ring off, reading the writing engraved into it.

Forever and always...

It brings back memories and I instantly think back to the day he proposed. He took me to an orchard full of yellow roses, my favourite colour. The trees were filled with lights and on the patio, there were lit candles, spelling out the words 'Will you marry me?'. I remember jumping into Rye's arms and nodding, before pressing a kiss to his lips.

That reminds me of our wedding day. We got married in a meadow, full of daisies. I wore a white, lace dress, decorated with silver sequins. I still remember Rye, looking all smart with his black tux and gelled hair.

I found out I was pregnant not long after and at the age of thirty, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. She had gorgeous ginger hair, like my mum. And chocolate brown eyes. We called her Sofia. She took after her dad, in love with music. And grew up to be a world famous singer/ songwriter.

She still visits now and again and I can tell she's visited Rye recently due to the Christmas tree star she's placed by his gravestone. It reminds me of every Christmas Eve. We'd invite all the guys over with their partners and we'd decorate the tree together. Every year, Rye would lift Sofia up so she could place the star on the top of the tree.

Me and Brook would sit and laugh as Rye spun her around, dancing to the Christmas music, wrapping leftover tinsel around their necks like scarves. And every Christmas morning, Rye and Sofia would both jump on the bed and beg me to get up so they could open the presents. I'd laugh at them as I they raced each other to the living room and tore open their presents.

I turn my head to face Brook, who's stood next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder and he wraps an arm around me.

Over the years, we've grown close. Brook had eventually left Lexi and married one of Harvey's dancers, Jessica. For as long as I can remember, Brook has come with me to visit Rye's grave.

Every time I visit, I'm reminded of the life we had together. The way Rye could always make me laugh, even when I was upset. I will never laugh like that again. 

I love the way life has treated me, but its been to long. I see comfort in the fact that I won't be long behind. I look at Brook and smile slightly. I'll be forever grateful for everything he has done. Meeting Rye, falling in love and having Sofia. It was all because of... him.


And that, my friends, is the end of this story. I hope you enjoyed it! I will be writing another fanfic very soon and I am hoping for it to turn out much better that this one. Please comment on which member you want my next fanfic to be based on Xx

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