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Brooklyn's pov:

I threw my phone on the bedside table and moved to grab a backpack from the top of the wardrobe. I was panicking and I knew it was stupid but I couldn't help myself. All I could see were the stupid text messages. I had no idea who it was or why now but it had escalated quickly...

Never mind who I am i knw who u are. Ur girlf deserves sum1 better. Sum1 like me. U shud leave her alone. She shud be with me. If you don't leave I'll just take her. If I can't have her no-one can....

I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands. I don't know how or why but the love of my life was in danger and I was pretty sure, in some way, it would be my fault.
This psycho had been messaging me since yesterday and the texts had gotten progressively worse. I have no idea who it was or what's going on, but I wasn't going to risk it. Ash was too important. 

I took a deep steadying breath and threw clothes into the bag. My phone vibrated again....
I picked it up and saw a text from the psycho.

P: 'Ignore me if u want. I'm still here. u dnt knw wat I'm capable of, u tk evrythng frm me. Nw it's my turn 2 take sumthing from u..starting wit ASHLEY...'

Me: 'Who are you and what the hell are you threatening me for? If I've done something to piss you off dude, I'm sorry. But leave her out of this. Wait.... How do you know her name?

P:'Lol. Wudnt u like 2 knw...'

I threw my phone on the floor in frustration. Who the hell is this fruit loop? I needed to be with Ash. I picked up my phone and shoved it in my pocket, I made my way downstairs. Poking my head around the living room I saw Ryan sat watching TV...

"Hey dude, could you give me a lift to Ashley's?" Rye looked up from the film with an odd look on his face.

"Course bro. Everything okay? Anymore texts from intergalactic psycho?"

He jumped up off the sofa and shoved his feet into his trainers. I hated lying to my mates but I felt like I had no choice.

"No. No more texts. I just wanna see my girlfriend" I tried to smile convincingly. Rye winked at me and smirked...

"I bet you do you mucky muckster."

We shared a laugh and then made our way to the car. The drive was pretty quiet, we didn't speak much and I was glad for the reprieve.

Ryan pulled up outside. "Are you sure you're alright bro?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just tired."

"Well, I'm pretty sure you won't be doing much sleeping." Ryan said, winking.

I shut the car door, running up to Ashley's apartment. I knocked on the door, hoping that Ashley was Ok. Her mum opened the door wielding a rolling pin. She raised it, ready to attack before noticing it was me.

"Woah, woah!! It's me man!!!"

When she lowered her 'weapon' I slipped past her, to Ashley on the couch. I moved Ashley's head from side to side, checking her arms and face for cuts or bruises. I knew I was being ridiculous but I couldn't help myself.

She grabbed my wrist, looking into my eyes.

"Brooklyn. I love you, but you're really creeping me out right now! What's going on?!"

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