The Plan

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"Who the hell is this Brook?!" Ryan shouted with frustration, "You better start explaining yourself!"

"Why are you shouting at me?!" Brooklyn argued back. "It's not like I asked him to threaten my girlfriend and bandmates!"

Ryan put his fingers to his temple. "I need a red bull or something..."

"Red bull?!" My mum exclaimed, "I'm pretty sure you have enough energy. How about a hot chocolate instead?"

Ryan looked my mum up and down, acknowledging her for the first time. "Is it because you're making it?" He said smirking.

"Nice try. But no." My mum replied. "One more remark like that and you'll be wearing it instead of drinking it."

"Worth a try." Rye said winking.

"If you've finished hitting on my mum," I interrupted, "we have a phsycopath on our hands. Now, in my opinion,  I think we need to get the police involved."

"Normally, I'd disagree." Rye began, "but since he's threatening me too, I think it might me a good idea."

"I don't think this is the time to be joking around Rye." I said rolling my eyes.

He smirked, "Who said I was joking?"

My mum returned with three cups of hot chocolate. "You guys get some rest, I'll ring the police up and we can figure the rest out in the morning."

"I'd happily stay up with you." Ryan replied.

My mum smiled sarcastically, "Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. There's a psychopath who knows where we live and I'd still rather be by myself with nothing but bubble wrap as a weapon, than be left alone with you."

Ryan put his hand to his chest."I'm hurt."

My mum shrugged her shoulders,
"You will be if you keep that up." She shook her head with amusement before leaving the room. I'm surprised she hadn't flirted back if I'm honest.

After ringing the police, my mum said they would come in the morning and take a look at the messages. We locked all the doors and windows and everyone slept in my room. Me and Brook slept in my bed, Rye slept in the chair and mum sat at the bottom of my bed trying her best to stay awake. Before nodding off with her head resting on Rye's leg.
After waking up pretty early and a quick visit from the police, Brook's phone was taken away for processing and we were told to contact them if anything else happened relating to the text messages.

I was meeting up with some old friends from Wales later. We were meeting at a pub later on for a meal. Brook was sat on my bed his head resting against the headboard. Ryan walked into the room, once again, uninvited.

"Brook. Can I talk to you outside for a minute?" Rye asked. Brook dragged himself off the bed following Rye out of the room.

Brook's pov:

"Ashley can't go tonight." Rye said, folding his arms.

"Why? Look, I know that there's a psycho threatening to hurt her, but she should still get to have a life-"

"That's my point. I know she should. But first we have to get rid of this psycho." Rye said, showing me his phone.

P - 'So you got the police involved. Dick move. Tell Brook that I know where Ashley is going to be tonight. I'm going after her. Don't try and stop me. I'm always one step ahead of you.'

"Don't worry." Rye said, smirking. "I have a plan."

Ashleys pov:

Brook and Rye walked back into the room.

"You can't go tonight." Brook stated.

"What? Why? I hardly ever get out anymore!"

Rye showed me another message from the psycho. Why wouldn't this guy give up?

"Don't worry." Rye said, grinning at Brooklyn. "We have a plan..."

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