The Boys

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I tucked my book into my bag a hopped off of the bench to stand next to Mikey. The fresh leaves crunched as my feet stepped onto them.

"Follow me." Mikey said, ushering me forward.

As we walked through the park, we decided to get to know each other better.

"So have you lived in London all your life?"

"Well, not exactly. Me and my mum recently moved here. We wanted a fresh start and she found a job at a recording studio. It was here or Manchester. So we packed up our bags and moved to a new apartment."

"What about you?"

"Not really. Me and the gang moved here when we formed as a band. I'm from Bristol, Rye too." He said pointing towards the brown haired boy, walking in front of us.

"I'm sorry about my groggy mood on Monday. I'm not really an early riser, so that morning shift was killing me."

"Don't worry about it, I felt the same. The boys had kept me up all night playing music, they would not shut up. But i guess thats one of the pluses of being in a boy band." Mikey joked.

"Can you play an instrument?"

"Yeah, guitar. But Andy plays it most of the time. He has more patience. You?"


"That's cool. I don't think I could. I get bored easily I guess. We're here anyway."

We stopped in front of two boys sat on  some steps.

We stopped in front of two boys sat on  some steps

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" Ashley. This is Andy and Harvey." Said Mikey. "Guys, this is Ashley. A friend of mine"

A second later. The blonde boy from Starbucks, who Mikey claimed to be called Brooklyn. Walked around one of the corners. He stopped and looked at me. His eyes widened at as he turned to glare at Mikey. Mikey mouthed 'What?' to him, acting as if he had no clue what he had done.
The blonde boy turned to look at me, smiling.

"Hi. Ashley right? I'm Brooklyn. Brook."

"Nice to meet you"

Another guy, who I hadn't noticed before, walked up to Brooklyn. He spoke with an Irish accent.

"Ashley? As in cute girl from Starb- Oww!" Brooklyn nudged him in the ribs. The Irish one continued to speak.
" I'm Jack. It's nice to meet you Ashley"

"You too"

Mikey gestured me over to the steps.

"So Ashley. How do you feel about helping us shoot a video?"

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