Lots and lots of time...

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I woke the next morning, still laying on the couch. It hit me hard. All the memories of yesterday came flooding back. Brook's words like nails and hammers breaking my heart apart. The first day without him didn't even feel real. A nightmare come true, maybe. I found myself waiting to wake up. But that never happened. I cried and cried, wondering how it was possible for him to inflict so much pain inside my chest. I was alone. Completely and utterly alone.

Who would wipe away my tears now? Who would hold my hand? Who would tell me they loved me and say I was beautiful? Not him. Not anyone. I lacked my second half. That same someone who promised me a forever,  only to leave before we had began. And now he was gone. Gone like the ink leaving a pen.

Soon enough, he'd forget about me. He'd forget about about me. Did he cry at all? Did it hurt him at all...when he let me leave.  He let me kiss him. He let me hug him. He let me love him. He told me he loved me that day...the day it all began. I asked him why he liked me and he said that it was impossible not to. He said he loved me. Did he lie? Or were his feelings able to fade so quickly?

He was a coward. He was a coward that I should have hated. I should of hated him, but I couldn't. I was worried about him. I wished I could be angry. But I wasn't. I missed him. I missed him so much. I would have done anything to be in his arms again. For this to have never happened. But he didn't feel the same. He told me to give him time. He let me leave. He didn't come after me. And I blamed myself. Maybe that's what hurt the most...

I picked up my phone and opened up my contacts. I clicked on Brook's number and started typing, only to delete it again. I let out a frustrated groan and threw my phone onto the coffee table. I couldn't talk to him. It hurt too much.

I decided I needed some fresh air and to go for a run. I needed a distraction. I dragged myself off the couch, into my bedroom. I changed into my running clothes...

 I changed into my running clothes

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I looked in the mirror. Disgusting. I didn't bother putting on makeup, I had nobody to impress. I decided not to brush my hair and shoved into an extra messy bun. I slid my feet into a pair of white trainers and tiptoed out of the apartment. Trying not to wake mum.
I took in the fresh air as I jogged through the park. I slowed down as I passed the big oak tree. I stood staring at the bauble we'd hung up there at Christmas, still hanging from the branch.

"I can't believe it's still there..." I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to face Rye. And next to him, the one I'd tried so hard to forget. Brooklyn. All of a sudden, after seeing him stood there, I felt angry. So angry.

He looked guilty. But I ignored it. He opened his mouth to speak, before closing it again.

"Ashley, I didn't...I should have... I'm so so-"

I cut him off as I began to climb the tree, gripping the branches tightly. I ragged the bauble from the branch and threw it to the floor, before jumping off. The bauble smashed into pieces of red glass. I looked straight into Brooklyn eyes, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I don't care what you have to say." I said, through clenched teeth. "You said you needed time. So that's exactly what I'm going to give you. Lots and lots of time." I spat, before turning my back on him and running out of the park. What had I just done?

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