The Kiss

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Ten minutes later my mum was sat opposite Brooklyn in the kitchen. She was just staring at him. I could tell he was uncomfortable, he couldn't stop fiddling with his fingers. I looked at my mum and and mouthed to her, 'say something'. She got the memo.

"So Brooklyn,"she began, "how old are you?"


"Are you in college?"

"Yes. I just majored in Music actually and I joined a band not long after."

"So you're a bad boy then. I can see why Ashley likes you."

I glared at my mum, giving her a hint to change the conversation.

"So..." she leant closer to Brooklyn. "How many people have you slept with?"

"Mum!" I shouted. She put her hands up in defence.

"Too far?"

"A little, yeah!"

"Well I'm sorry for making sure I could trust him around my daughter." She said sarcastically.

I grabbed Brook's arm and pulled him towards my bedroom. My mum shouted from the kitchen.

"Leave the door open!"

I let go of Brook's hand after entering my bedroom.

"Sorry about that. She's a bit over protective."

"It's fine. But about that kiss. I thought you weren't ready?"

"Me too. I didn't think. I just made a move, I guess."

"Have you ever had a boyfriend before, honestly?"

"Not really. I never really liked anyone before."

"Oh, ok then."

"But, I felt different around you. But I didn't know if you really liked me back"

" Me? Ashley, I like you so much that the longer I kept my feelings from you, the more I fell for you. Every time I saw you with someone else, I was jealous. Every time you walked away, I wished you'd come back. Every time you text me, I wanted to text back how much I wanted to kiss you. It was killing me, Ashley. Killing me!"

I just stood there, my lips parted. I didn't know what to say. That's was, until my mum ran in screaming.

"Kiss him you idiot!"

Not only had she been listening, but when I moved closer to Brooklyn, she stayed where she was, waiting for us to kiss. I stared at her waiting for her to leave. But she just looked at me confused.

"Well, kiss him already."

"I can't. You're still stood there."

"Oops, sorry. I just got so excited." She said before leaving the room.

I rolled my eyes, before planting my lips softly on Brook's. Perhaps I  should give it a chance. Perhaps... love could exist after all...
Hi guys, I hope you're enjoying this fanfic. Sorry about how cheesy it got in this chapter😂.  I am going to create fanfics of the other members too. I just thought I'd start with my favourite, Brooklyn X

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