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Rye's pov:


I let go of Brook and took a stepped back,

"That's enough. Ash I'm so sor..."

I turned to look at her, but she had disappeared. I looked at Brook desperately,

"Brooklyn. She's gone. Why aren't you moving? Aren't you going to go after her?"

He ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath. Still, he didn't make a move.

"Brooklyn what the fuck man? You need to go after her. You love her right?"

I looked at his face, in complete confusion, finally he spoke.

"No Rye. I'm not going after her. I don't want to chase her. I don't even know if I do love Ash. I can't... I don't know what I want."

I wanted to hit him. The most amazing girl in the world was in love with him, and he didn't know what he wanted.

I shook my head in disgust.

"I'm sorry Rye. I just don't know. I don't know."

I turned toward the door and scowled at Brooklyn over my shoulder,

"Well I know exactly what I want Brook."

I left the room and sprinted down the stairs. I knew exactly what I wanted and it was Ashley Hunter.

Ashley's pov:

As the words slipped from Rye's mouth, my eyes filled with tears. Brooklyn kissed Lexi? The day after we broke up? How could he? I couldn't listen any longer. I darted out of the room, wiping tears from my eyes. I didn't bother saying goodbye. There was no need.

I snatched my bag from the peg and threw on my knee high boots, leaving the house as quickly as possible. A minute after leaving the house, I heard a door open and quick footsteps.

I turned around expecting to see Brook. Instead, I looked into the worried eyes of Rye. With a heavy heart, I realised that once again Brook didn't care enough to come after me.
Ryan reached out to stroke his hand down my face. His fingers left a trail of heat where they touched. For a split second, I leaned into his touch. Until reality hit me like a thousand bowling balls. I turned and ran.

Oh My God. I couldn't have feelings for Rye. It was not possible, I ran faster and faster. I ran until my lungs burned and my legs ached.

My mind cast back over all the time I'd known Ryan and the time we spent together. I remembered the food fights, I remembered the late night movie marathons of the films Brook hated. I remember his hugs when I'd been upset or happy or just to say hi. One memory hit me like a freight train, the time I fell asleep on his shoulder. He carried me to bed and kissed me goodnight. At the time I had decided it was a dream, but now I wasn't so sure. I remembered the times he had absentmindedly tucked stray hairs behind my ears.

I sat down on a grassy verge, I pulled my knees to my chin and just rested it there. Something my mother had said fleetingly suddenly stuck in my mind.

After I'd decided to give Brook another chance, mum sat me down for a 'chat.'

"Brooklyn is nice lad sweetie. But he didn't exactly knock the door down to win you back. Ryan did. Why do you think that is?"

Another question I had avoided now invaded my thoughts. Could I really have fallen for the wrong guy?!


Hi guys! I don't know about you, but I love a plot twist. So, I thought I'd spice it up a bit with a nice surprise. Here's something to think about... Team Rye or Team Brook? Tell me in the comments X

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