Jumping to conclusions...

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Rye's pov:

We were seconds from the apartment when I felt a light tug on my arm. Ashley stood there, her eyes closed.

"Are you ok?" I asked, concerned.

Ash giggled nervously, "Yeah. I'm fine. Just a little nervous."

"Why?" I said, resting my hand on her shoulder.

"Because, it's the the same, I know. Yet in so many ways it's just...different."

"It's only different to us." I said, trying my best to comfort her. She nodded and regained her posture, taking a deep breath. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we walked a slow walk into the apartment.

As soon as we walked through the door, Andy came bounding up to us. Heavy sarcasm dripped from every word,

"Well hello there Rye's new girlfriend. I'm Andy. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ashley stiffened beside me,

"Andy come on, man. You know Ash and I are friends."

I spoke through clenched teeth, willing him to shut the eff up. Without warning he pulled Ash into a hug and whispered,

"Dont worry your secrets safe with me."

As he skipped away Ashley turned to face me,

"Are all the guys gonna be like this.?"

She shook her head, with a slight smile on her face she said,

"You know he knows, right?"

I nodded my agreement and took her bag to throw it on the stairs.

"Yeah I know. It's Andy, he always knew. Come on let's go make popcorn."

I pulled her through to the kitchen and stopped in my tracks, Mikey was stood, staring opened mouthed at Ashley and me. He stood silently for almost a minute, not moving or even blinking.

"Hey Mike. You okay?"

There was a loud bang and smoke flowed out from the microwave,


Mikey shouted. He jumped back and rushed to open the microwave.

"I'm errr... fine. What's this? Why are you here. Together? Aw shit, my popcorns burnt and it's all over the bloody microwave."

I ignored his tone and pulled some ready made popcorn out instead,

"Me and Ash are gonna chill and watch a film same as always man. You're welcome to join if you wanna?"

"Oh course. Nah I'm alright. I'm gonna watch star wars. Need the peace, you know?"

He tidied up his mess and grabbed one of the ready made bags from the cupboard, as he left the kitchen he turned to look at us and walked straight into the door frame. He let out a yelp as he dropped his popcorn on the floor,  seconds later he followed. He landed in a heap in the doorway rubbing his head.

Trying hard to suppress my laughter I called out to him,

"You okay bud?"

There was a cough and a grunt before he answered,

"Yeah I'm fine. Should have gone to Specsavers. Haha."

He disappeared upstairs mumbling under his breath. I looked at Ashley who was shaking her head sadly.

"This is going to be harder than I thought."

I moved toward and kissed her quickly. Smirking, I whispered,

"That's what she said."

Ashley let out a laugh, her head thrown back in amusement she looked right at me,

"Trust you Rye."

I leaned to kiss her again, this time lust took over. Without any thought for where we were we were kissing, passionately. Our limbs entwined with each others, until we heard a cough from the doorway.

We sprang apart guiltily,

"It's not what it looks like!"

I shouted before I even knew who it was,

"Oh please. I know I haven't had any action in a while but that was exactly what it looked like. You might not wanna do that around people who aren't meant to know. Just saying. Control yourselves, jeez."

He slapped my shoulder playfully as he moved to fill up the kettle,

"Thanks for being cool about this Andy. It means a lot."

"Thanks not needed my friend. I love the both of you, I want you both  to be happy. If that means you being together, I can live with that. Besides, Brook has to find out at some point and I for one cannot wait to see that!"

I shook my head laughing,

"You're an arse. Come on Ash let's go upstairs. You can pick the movie if you want?"

We made our way upstairs, she got changed into her jammies and put on Hunger Games. I stripped to my boxers and made up the floor bed.

"Come sit up here Rye, you won't be able to see from there."

I hopped onto the bed and we snuggled under the quilt, sharing the bag of popcorn we hauled from the cupboard.

She rested her head on my shoulder and felt my eyes begin to close.

"What the fuck is this?"

We jumped up blinking the sleep from our eyes. Oh no. Ash was panic stricken.

"Wait Brook it's not what it looks like!"

"Really rye? Because it looks like you've just had sex with my girlfriend!!"

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