Taking flight

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I flung flip flops and bikinis into my suitcase, running around the house like a mad man. I knew it was a bad idea to pack at the last minute. My mum sped past me, searching for her passport. She tripped over one of the many pillows she had thrown, falling to the floor with a 'thud'. I tried to hold in my laughter, helping her to her feet and dragged my bags into the living room checking the time.  Quarter to eleven. I had fifteen minutes! I ran into my bedroom, pulling on an outfit for the journey...

 I had fifteen minutes! I ran into my bedroom, pulling on an outfit for the journey

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I double checked I had everything, before shouting mum.

"Come on Mum! We're meant to be at the flat in...well, now! We need to leave!"

My mum appeared from her bedroom, tying her hair up. She placed her car keys in between her teeth and picked up her bags, walking out of the apartment. I locked the door and chased after her, lugging my suitcase behind me. I put my bags in the boot of the car, hopping into the back. Next stop, Brooklyn's.

I knocked on the door, balancing on the balls of my feet. Brooklyn answered the door, grinning.

Rye stood there, with bags under his eyes.

"When are you ever tired?" I joked.

"When your daft ass of a boyfriend keeps me up all night." He replied, glaring at Brooklyn. "Make sure you have fun anyway." Rye said, giving me a hug. He lifted his hand to my mum in the drivers seat, she waved back smiling.

"I'll see you in a week." Brook told Rye, giving him a bro hug. Rye gave him a smile before walking back into the flat.

Brook shouted goodbye to the rest of the boys, closing the door and pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, before dragging him to the car. We had half an hour to get to the Airport. My mum pulled out into the road and sped up, trying to avoid traffic...
We were half an hour into the plane journey. I had took the window seat on the plane, knowing Brook was afraid of hights. He layed next to me asleep, with his head resting on my shoulder. I was watching 'Love Simon', when my mum leant over and whispered into Brook's ear...

"Oh My God...I can't believe the engine has stopped."

Brook shot up, shouting. "No! Stop! I want to get off! Get me off! Now!" My mum looked at him, acting as if she was confused.

"What are you talking about Brook?"

"You just said...I thought- The engine stopped." Brook stuttered, oblivious of what my mum had done.

"What are you talking about?" My mum asked, "I didn't say anything..."

Brook rubbed his eyes, resting his head on the back of the seat. I shook my head at my mum, she was so immature sometimes. I rubbed Brooks shoulder, smiling sympathetically.

"What are you watching?" He asked, looking at the film playing on my laptop.

I closed the lid, unplugging my earphones. "Nothing important. You got pretty scared then didn't you?"

"Yeah. I'm not the biggest fan of planes, I guess." He said, slightly embarrassed. "I'm scared to go back to sleep now, if I'm honest."

I laughed slightly.

"I was having a dream actually." Brook said.

"About what?"

"It's really stupid. Seriously."

"Come on. Tell me."

"Basically, Harvey and Mikey were argueing and I asked what was happening. Mikey looked at me and said 'someone in this room has a crush on Ashley'. I was about to ask who, when I woke up. See? Stupid."

His dream reminded me of the other night, at the party. I thought I could ignore what had happened, but i couldn't. I looked into his shining, green eyes and I knew, I had to tell him.

"Ha. Funny that! Don't you think Ash? I mean Harvey comes on to you at a party and Brooks dreaming about it. Brook, you must be the jealous type." My mum smirked with a wink.

I scowled. I couldn't believe she was so bloody stupid.

Brook raised his eyebrows in surprise,

"Um, say what now?"

My mum looked at him in realisation. Before turning to talk to me. "I take it you only told me about it?"

"You think?" I said sarcastically.

"Well. There's a conversation for the journey." My mum replied, putting on her headphones and trying to avoid any further conversation.

"I'll ask again." Brooklyn said, resting his hand on my leg. "Say what?"

I looked at him guiltilly, "I'm so sorry. I should have told you. I just... I didn't want you and Harvey to fall out..."

"Why? What did he do?"

"It's more about what he said rather than did." I replied.

"Ok. What did he say then?"

"Promise you won't get angry?"

"Promise." Brook said, pushing at strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well, a couple months ago, at the New Years Eve party, Harvey was kind of flirting with me."

"What did he say?"

"He said...He said that I should break up with you and be with him instead. He asked me to kiss him at midnight too. I walked away and tried to forget about it, but..." I trailed off.

Brooklyn's jaw tightened. "That's it. I'm gonna kill him!"

"Brook! You promised..."

"I'm sorry." He said, relaxing.

A tear escaped my eye as I began to cry. "I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I should have told you...I...I'm So So sorry." I said, sniffling.

Brook wiped the tears from my face and hugged me tight. "Hey. This is not your fault. You didn't tell me for a reason. Let's just forget about it. Ok? We'll go to Cyprus, have fun and enjoy your birthday away. How does that sound?"

I nodded my head, sniffling into Brook's shoulder. He stroked my head, kissing my forehead.

"I love you"

"Love you too."

We spent the rest of the journey curled up, watching films. And when we were landing, I let Brook squeeze my hand, knowing how much he hated flying. We arrived in Cyprus by half past eight at night (or six thirty in in London.)

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