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Rye couldn't help himself. He let out a loud chuckle at Brook's comment.

"Seriously dude?! Ashley's wearing fluffy Pjs, not to mention the fact that there's a bed made up on the floor."

Brooklyn relaxed slightly, but kept silent.

"And I'm not your girlfriend." I said, correcting Brooks earlier comment.

"What?" Brook looked at me confused.

"When you accused Rye of sleeping with me. You called me your girlfriend. I am not your girlfriend."

Brooklyn blushed and opened his mouth to speak. But I cut in before he could talk.

"And even if me and Rye had slept together, which we did not, it's none of your business. You don't get to tell me what to do."

"I just thought-"

"No Brook, you don't get to think anything. You let me go. You don't get an opinion on the decisions I make. Now, when we were a thing, were me and Rye friends?"


"Did we hang out alone sometimes?"


"So, tell me, why can't we do that anymore? Why can't I hang out with my friends anymore?"

"No, you can. Of course you can. I guess I just jumped to conclusions before thinking about it. Sorry."

"Don't worry mate." Rye said before I could answer him. "It's all good. I get it. I'm sure Ashley does too."

Brook nodded and slammed the door the door as he walked away.

Rye waited until the sound of pattered feet against the carpet faded before turning to face me. He pressed a soft kiss against my lips.

"That was a close one."

"I know..." I said, snuggling into his chest. I took in his aroma; ginger and honeysuckle. Only Rye could make that scent manly. He rested his head on mine and drew circles along my arm with his fingers.

I lifted my head to his and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. I pulled away and turned to face the tv, but Rye placed his fingers under my chin and turned me to face him again. He placed a fiery kiss against my lips. He pulled me closer, placing a hand on my neck.

"What happened to going slow?" I asked between kisses.

Rye smirked at me, "Do you want me to stop?"

We both jumped as Jack appeared from under the quilt in his bed next to us. "Yes...Please."

His eyes were red and his hair was matted. He turned to face me and his mouth dropped open.

Jack's pov:

The slam of our door woke me up and I blinked myself awake. I could hear shuffling in the bed next to me, but tried to ignore it and fall back to sleep.
Then I heard the kissing; it was wet and disgusting. But I still ignored it, pleading for myself to nod back off. I did not want to hear that!

But then I heard the girl talk. Her voice was quiet and husky. For a second I thought it was Ash. It sounded so similar. I smirked to myself. I was an idiot sometimes. As if Ashley would ever go out with Rye. That's hilarious!

"What happened to going slow?" I heard her ask Rye, between their kisses. Gross!

"Do you want me to stop?" He replied slyly. Typical Rye. But I had to say something. I couldn't listen to them any longer.

"Yes..." I said, pulling the quilt from my head and sitting up, "Please."

They both jumped and pulled apart. My mouth fell open, as I took a closer look at the girl; ash blonde hair, blue eyes, prominent cheekbones...

"Ashley?!" Her eyes widened as I spoke. "You're the girl. You're dating....Rye?! Oh My God! Please tell me you at least have clothes on!"

"No...It's not...I'm not..."

"Yes. We have bloody clothes on." Rye cut Ashley off, "I know what you're gonna say. It's disgusting! It's wrong! It could ruin everything! You dont have to agree with this...us. You don't have to like it, But please, please don't tell Brook. He can't know yet. We don't even know if it will work. He'd also probably try to kill us."

I couldn't believe it, but I understood it. Rye had liked Ash from the start. It would have happened eventually.

I nodded my head, "I won't, I promise. But only as long as you promise to buy me ear plugs so I dont have to listen to you guys sucking face."

Rye laughed loudly,

"Thanks dude. Can I ask...how long have you actually been there though man? Seriously. That's creepy!"

"I've been asleep most of the afternoon. I heard the door slam and it woke me up. I'm glad I woke up now though... I wouldn't have wanted to wake up while you were getting it ooonnn.  How didn't you see me? Do i not breath while I'm sleeping?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot that it's normal  to check to see if your roommate is sleeping in the middle of the afternoon, hidden under a quilt." Rye replied sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, smiling. Ashley giggled at Rye's comment. Trust her to find it funny. Rye smiled at Ashley, tucking a peice of hair behind her ear and pecking her on the lips. They were adorable.

"I like this." I said, smiling.

"What do you mean?" Ashley asked, as she stopped giggling.

"You and Brook weren't like this. You never laughed at his jokes. It was rare that you even kissed in front of us. You just look happier." Ashley smiled at Rye.

"I am." She said, resting her hand on his cheek. "I really am."

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