So...Who's Brooklyn?

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I'd been staring at mum for about 2 minutes now and I think I was starting to creep her out.

"So?" She said, "who is he?"

"Just a...friend," I said hesitantly.

"Do you mean friend or do you mean friend?"

"He's just..A friend."

"What type of friend tries to kiss their other friend?" She said sarcastically.

"Did you read my messages?"

"Umm," my mum's eyes widened realising she'd caught herself out, "ok, yes, maybe... But, you know what, I'm glad I did because obviously I can't trust you."

"Look, mum. He's a friend, nothing more. He tried to kiss me and I pulled away. Nothing happened.Ok?"

"You idiot! Why didn't you kiss him? Gathering from his profile picture, he's a hottie!" My mum said, before wolf whistling under her breath.


"Sorry. Just stating my opinion. Seriously though. Why didn't you kiss him?"


"This isn't because of the whole 'I don't believe in love' thing is it? Just because me and your dad didn't last, doesn't mean you and whoever won't."

"Yeah. Well I'm just not ready yet. Can we just not talk about it please. I'm tired."

"Whatever Mum." My mum said sarcastically.

"That's just low."

"So are you..." she said, throwing a pillow at my face, before disappearing to get changed. To say she was in her late thirties, she had the mind of a ten year old. Which you could identify from her taste in fashion. Exhibit C...

After watching Twilight and New Moon, my mum decided to call it a night and go to bed

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After watching Twilight and New Moon, my mum decided to call it a night and go to bed.

"Night love. Make sure you go to bed soon. Its getting late..."

"I will..."

After my mum had left the room, I went to my bedroom and sat on the balcony, scanning the view below. It wasn't the best, but it was better than the back yard you could see from the house we had before...

 It wasn't the best, but it was better than the back yard you could see from the house we had before

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