The Next Day

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I woke up early that morning. Me and my mum had both fallen asleep on the sofa whilst watching Greys's Anatomy. My mum had her head over the back of the couch, snoring peacefully. So I tipptoed into my bedroom, trying not to wake her.
It was rare that I ever woke up early  enough, so I decided to change and go for a run in the park...

I ran around the lake and did a couple laps around the gazebo. There was hardly any people in the park and it was quite relaxing to jog around, breathing in the fresh, morning air.

As I approached the bridge, someone joined my side. I turned to find Ryan jogging next to me.

"Good Morning Ash."


"I've never seen you out this early before."

"I woke up at five."

"You should do it more often, we could go jogging together. Anything's better than running with that idiot." He  pointed behind him, where Mikey was practically walking up to us, sweat dripping down his face. His hair was a mess and he was breathing heavily.

"Maybe he's just tired, he's not exactly an early bird." I said, looking at Ryan.

"Ashley, we've done one lap and he already looks like a freshly watered tomato. He's just lazy."

Mikey took one last step before collapsing to the ground. He layed on the grass, his arms and legs spread out.

"That's it!" He shouted between breaths. "No more running!"

We decided to take a break to do some stretches, whilst Mikey caught his breath.
By the end of five laps, we decided to give up. To be honest, I think it's mostly because Mikey broke down after each lap. So I waved goodbye to Ryan and jogged back to my building.

I returned to my apartment, to find my mum still fast asleep. I knew that mum wouldn't wake up in time for work, so I poured out two cups of coffee. I nudged my mum awake, handing her the coffee.

"Morning sleepy head."

She just grunted, removing loose strands of hair from her face.

"I hate you." She said, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Hey. What are daughters for?"

My mum pulled herself off of the sofa, walking heavily. She dragged her feet a little, the way a bear drags it's paws. Before disappearing into her bedroom to get ready.

I grabbed the remote, switching on the music channel. 'Don't stop believin' by Journey was playing. My mum ran out of her bedroom, wearing jeans and her pyjama top. 

She took my hand and started dancing around the room. She waved her free hand in the air, singing to the lyrics. She was crazy and often embarrassing, but she was always there to make me laugh.

I joined in and we danced around the room, to the beat. We laughed, twirling each other around and pretty much stepping on each other's toes. I hadn't heard this song in ages. As the song finished, we collapsed onto the couch, catching our breaths.

"I need to get ready. Or I'm gonna be late." My mum said, before leaving to finish getting ready.

Half an hour later, my mum ran out off her room. She ran past me snatching her keys of the counter. She blew a kiss, shouting love you and darted out of the apartment.

I wasn't used to having the house to myself. Back in Wales, my dad or mum was normally there too. So I texted Brooklyn.

Me - Hi. Do you wanna come over and watch a movie? I'm bored

Brook - Yeah, cool. I'll be over soon.

Realising I was still in my running outfit, I quickly changed into something comfier...

I grabbed some popcorn from the cupboard and a bar of chocolate from the fridge and set them down on the coffee table

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I grabbed some popcorn from the cupboard and a bar of chocolate from the fridge and set them down on the coffee table. I set up 'The DUFF' on the TV and sat cross legged on the couch.

A couple minutes later, I heard a knock.

"It's open!" I shouted.

Brooklyn walked in, closing the door behind him. I patted my hand on the couch, ushering him over. He sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around me. I pressed play before placing my legs over his and resting my head on his chest.

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