Keeping Secrets...

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Rye's pov:

She'd ran, again. But she kissed me back. She kissed me back. I let her go, she needed space and I had to respect that, no matter how hard it was for me. I seemed to have waited a while for her text to tell me she was home. I started to worry,  five more minutes and I would call her.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and brought up messenger, Ash was online.

"Screw it. I'll do it now."

I hit the FaceTime button and waited with baited breath for her to answer.
A beat later she was breathing heavily down the phone, it took a second for my eyes to adjust. She'd been crying her eyes were all red and puffy. But then I really saw her. Holy shit!! She was naked. Completely and utterly naked. I couldn't speak, she was absolutely stunning. Brooklyn was a moron. Ashley's lips were moving but i hadn't heard what she said. Serves me right for perving...

"Rye? Can you see me?" I shouldn't have, but I smirked and answered honestly,

"Oh yeah. I can see you. All of you and it's mighty fine."

Ash let put a shriek and suddenly I was staring at the ceiling through my phone screen.

I tried to calm her down with humour, instead she yelled at me,

"It's not funny Rye. Seriously. Please hang up so I can be mortified in private. Please?"

I agreed to hang up after complimenting her boobs. Which were indeed AWESOME, but I ended the call as promised and threw myself backwards on the bed. Staring at the ceiling I realised how much of an arse I sounded. I grabbed my phone and typed out a quick apology text, I didn't want to lose her before I even had her.

Seconds later my phone vibrated,
Ash: You didn't upset me. I am just upset at myself. I'm glad you liked what you saw and I hate myself for it. I can't stop thinking about you and it's driving me crazy. I just need some time to get my head straight. Please don't message me back. I promise I'll message when I'm ready to talk 😘 xxxxx

She couldn't stop thinking about me either. I was grinning from ear to ear and I couldn't stop it. I just hoped that her thoughts of me continued, since she drove me crazy it was only
fair she was slightly crazy too.

Since she didn't want me to message her I fired up the Xbox. Mindless entertainment was just what I needed. My game had just loaded when there was a slight knock on my door, I huffed I'm annoyance but yelled,

"Come in!"

Over my shoulder. I turned to look at the door and there stood Lexi, staring at me with her head resting on the door frame.

"Hey, you. Can we talk. Brook will be in in a sec."

"Lexi? What Are you doing here?"

"I think we should wait for Brook."

I turned my body to face her, I knew a look of disdain was on my face.

"I think you should just spit it out Lexi!"

She tucked her hair behind her ears and sat down beside me on the bed. The smell of her cheap perfume clawed at my nose. Brook came into the room, he looked from me to Lexi with a look of complete guilt and maybe even confusion on his face. Suddenly realisation dawned.

"Ahh. I see. So you two again huh?Guess I should have known."

"Don't judge Rye. You can't help who you fall in love with. Besides me and Lexi are good for each other, babe can you give us a minute?"

Lexi looked momentarily annoyed, but she turned to me and whispered,

"You and me would have never worked Rye. You should know that by now. I know it's hard but you have to let me go."

She kissed my cheek, hugged Brook and sashayed out of the room. I stared at Brooklyn, completely dumbfounded that she could be so dense.

"I know, Rye, I know. But she's right, you never would have worked out."

"I don't want Lexi. I never really did, there's only one girl I have feelings for. Unlike you!"

He sat down beside me and looked me dead in the eye.

"Look Rye, I know this is unfair but please please stay away from Ashley. I'm not completely over her and I don't want her to think you're just dating her to get at me. She's fragile right now and she doesn't need it. Leave her alone. For me."

I wanted to hit something, preferably his face. I turned to look at him but he was gone, without waiting for me to say anything he just left. I stared at the ceiling and released the breath I didn't even know I had been holding, when my phone vibrated beside. Me,

Ash: I think I'm in love with you. I think I maybe have been for a while, I just didn't want to admit it to myself. Meet me at cafe24 in 15 minutes? Please? Xxx

She thinks she is in love with me?? I shouldn't have but I thought about what Brooklyn had just said, his arrogance astounded me. I knew I should have said no, I should have told her it's too soon.
Instead I found myself typing.

Me: Make it 20 minutes and you've got yourself a date. Just make sure you remember to put some clothes on. 😉 Or not hahaha xxxx

Her reply was quick,

Ash: Hahaha. I'll definitely have clothes on. See you soon. I can't wait xxxxx

I tucked my phone in my pocket and after shoving my feet into my trainers I bounded downstairs.

"Where you going?"

Brook called from the sofa.

"Out. I won't be long, just need to stretch my legs."

I left before they could ask anymore inane questions and started walking towards the cafe. In 15 minutes I would get to see her beautiful face, in 15 minutes I would have to tell her, this can't happen.....

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