No words...

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We pulled apart and I took a shallow, shaky breath. We couldn't contain ourselves any longer. Brook held my head in his hands and pulled me in for a fiery, passionate kiss.
I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, moving my fingers through his hair.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, as he pulled me off the ground, pressing my back against the wall.
He cupped by chin in his hand as we split apart and opened our eyes.
We had no words and just stood there, staring into each others eyes.

For some reason, I felt happy, exhilarated. I had never kissed anybody before and in that moment, I was unsure of why. And then, I started giggling. Which would have been embarrassing, if Brooklyn wasn't laughing too. Every time we made eye contact, we'd start giggling all over again.

"Well, that just happened." I said, surprised. I couldn't stop smiling."

"Yep," Brooklyn replied, sounding just as surprised.

We sat down next to each other on the bed and spent the next hour talking. We decided to leave any further discussions about the kiss until tomorrow and to just enjoy the moment whilst it lasted.
At about seven in the evening, I stood in the doorway. Brooklyn placed a soft kiss against my cheek. He smiled and waved goodbye, as he turned and headed for the stairs.

As I walked back into the apartment, my mom was lounging on the couch, coffee mug in hand, grinning at me. She looked like she was going to burst and as much as she was my mum, she was also my best friend. She couldn't hold it any longer.

"How was it?!" She squeeled. She was more excited than me.


"Good? That's all I get. I've been waiting hours for him to leave, so you could tell me everything. And all I get it good? Pathetic! But seriously, how was it really?"

I just looked at her shaking my head.

"Just let me get changed and then, I'll tell you anything you want."

"Ok. Good idea!"

I changed into some pjs...

I returned to the living room, to find my mum sat with a bowl of popcorn and some cookie dough

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I returned to the living room, to find my mum sat with a bowl of popcorn and some cookie dough. She looked like one of those crazy teens you share a dorm room with in college.
Oblivious of how silly she looked, she held out a cup of chocolate milkshake.

"Come on," she said. " Tonight, it's all about you. Tell me everything. What was it like? Did his breath smell? Oh no! He wasn't sweating was he, that always ruins the mood."
I laughed, but really, I couldn't wait to spill all the details. I threw myself on the couch, grabbing the cup from my mum's hand.

We spent the rest of the night talking about what had happened between me and Brooklyn. To be honest, it felt nice to tell someone and right now, my mum was the only one I could trust to keep it a secret. Until I was ready, of course...

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