I Love You

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It was the 1st of December and me and Brooklyn had been dating for about two months. We were sat on the sofa watching old reruns of 'Gilmore Girls'. Brooklyn wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close, gently rubbing my arm. I sunk into the warmth of his side, appreciative of the simple gesture. His touch made the room warmer somehow. I rested my head against his shoulder, breathing in the faint smell of cologne. The whole world around me melted away as I hugged him back, not wanting the moment to end. If only I could stay in his arms forever, safe from anything and everything that came my way. Only one could hope.

Brooks pov:

"Why do you like me?" Ashley whispered, her hand tracing the freckles on my arm, connecting them with visible lines like a dot-to-dot. I cupped her cheek so her beautiful eyes met my own.

"How could I not?"

I loved her deep blue eyes, her sandy hair, the cute dimples that formed when she smiled. I loved all of her, not just the parts that made sense, not just the parts she had shown me. I loved the parts of her that I didn't yet understand, the parts that weighed down on her shoulders, the parts I only noticed when I stole glances at her in the silence.

Falling in love with her was like walking into a house and finally realising I was home. When she smiled at me, I felt invisible arms wrap around me making me feel safe. When her eyes locked on mine, I saw galaxies instead of pupils. Having her in my life made me feel like everything was possible in world, like I could conquer anything. I didn't regret meeting her and I knew she might not have been my first, but what I really wished for... was for her to be my last. I was fed up of keeping it a secret, I had to tell her.

"Ashley, I love you." I said before I could change my mind.

Ashley's pov:

"Why do you like me?" I asked Brooklyn.

"How could I not?" He paused, looking into my eyes. "Ashley, I love you."

My eyes widened in shock. It was crazy to think that we had only known each other three months. I loved him too. I loved his smile, his blonde, shaggy hair, his shining green eyes, the the Yorkshire lilt in his English accent. I loved the way that whenever he was around, I felt safe, as if I didn't need anyone but him.

Love. An intense feeling of deep attraction towards another. An intimate relation between two people. It's said that if you find someone you love in life, then cherish it and it will last forever. I used to think this was a lie, that it wasn't real. But the truth is, it must exist. Because, I too, am in love.

I jumped forward, throwing my around around Brooklyn. I hesitantly looked up at him.

"I love you too."

Before I had time to speak another word, Brooklyn pulled me towards him and covered my mouth with his in a hungry kiss. As our lips crushed together, I felt like I was walking on air. The way his lips connected with mine. His mouth was warm and his lips were soft. The kiss obliterated my every thought. Within moments the soft kiss had become firm. The quickening of his breath matched my own.

We pulled apart, resting our foreheads against each other's. My eyes studied Brooklyn's with silent intensity. The heat travelled through my veins, warming me up. In that moment, I felt like a character from a movie. And I knew that only he could make me feel this way.

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