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We arrived back in England by dinner time. I dropped my bags at the apartment before walking down to the flat with Brook. We knocked on the door and immediately heard heavy, fast-approaching footsteps. The door flung open and Rye stood there grinning. He pulled me into a hug.

"I've missed you Ash."

"You too." I said, hugging him back before loosening my grip.

Mikey poked his head over Rye's shoulder. He pushed past him and squeezed me tightly. I'd missed him the most. I hugged him back, smiling.

"Did you have fun?" He asked.

"Lots of fun. I missed you guys though."

"I missed you too."

I looked over Mikeys shoulder at Rye and Brook. They smiled at each other and hugged. They really couldn't stay mad at each other.

We made our way inside the flat. I said hi to the others, each one pulling me into a tight hug. A while later, me and Brook had fallen on the sleep over, jet lagged. I was woken up by the sound of Rye shouting.

"Lexi?! What are you doing h- Where are you going?! Get back he-"

A girl with bright red hair, green eyes and freckles ran into the room.

"I knew it!" She screamed, "You're such a man whore!"

Brook jumped awake. "Lexi?! What are you doing here?"

"Lexi?" I cut in. "I thought you said you had nothing to do her. What is she doing here?"

"What am I doing here?!" Lexi screamed. "I am his girlfriend! What I want to know is what you're doing here?"

I looked at Brooklyn with tears in my eyes. "You... you lied to me?"

He looked into my eyes. "Ashley, I didn't. Please I-"

"You're such a liar!" Lexi shouted. "You said that you loved me!"

"You said we were over!" Brook screamed back.

"We were on a break!" Lexi shouted dramatically .

"You told me you loved someone else! You shouldn't have expected me to wait forever! Lexi, you should have known I'd get over you eventually!" Brook yelled in exasperation. He looked at me stood there, holding back my tears. "Ash, I'm so sorry. Just give me some time to-"

"You're asking me to leave?!" I shouted, both angry yet upset.

"No, I-"

"No!" I cut Brooklyn off. "You want me to leave?! Fine! I'll leave! I hope you two are fucking happy together."

I snatched my bag off the desk and stormed out. I waited until I'd left the apartment, before letting the dam of tears burst , spilling down my face. My eyes dripped with the tears . My walls that held me up, made me strong...collapsed. Moment by moment, they fell. Salty drops drenching my shirt. I was trembling uncontrollably . I couldn't stop crying. It's raw. Everything. Raw tears, raw emotions. I just couldn't stop. Why? Why couldn't I stop? Why did it hurt so much?

Rye ran around the corner, jogging up to me. I let myself go, sobbing into his chest unceasingly. I held him tightly in silence, he rocked me slowly as my tears soaked his chest. Brooklyn had let me go, he hadn't come after me. He obviously didn't care. The tears stopped for split second. Just long enough to let me pull away, blinking my lashes, still heavy with the residue of my emotion . I collapsed again, my overwhelming misery worsening. The pain came in waves, minutes of sobbing broke apart by anger. I used the short pauses for taking recovering breaths. I held Rye tight, his arms wrapped around me. Brook let me leave. He didn't care. Why didn't he care?

"It's my fault." I cried into Rye's chest.

"Hey!" He said, lifting my head to meet his gaze. "None of this is your fault. Ok?"

I nodded in response. Rye picked me up, carrying me back to my apartment. My mum opened the door. She looked shocked.

"What happened?" She asked Rye.

"Brooklyn happened..."

My mum took me from Rye's arms and carried me over to the sofa.

"It ok, baby" My mum said, stroking my head.

"Do you need me to stay?" Rye asked.

"Its ok. We"ll be fine..." My mum said, resting her head on mine. "We"ll be just fine..."

I cried softly in her shoulder. I felt as if everything was falling apart.

My mum kissed my head. "You need to wallow. I'll get the ice cream..."

I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I'd be ok. I did just fine before I met him. I would be fine again. Right?

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