Christmas Day...

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At six o'clock in the morning, my mum was jumping up and down on my bed wearing snowman pyjamas and a Santa hat. I rolled over, rubbing my eyes.

"Mum! It's six in the morning! Go back to bed!"

"Nooo!" She moaned, "Get up! It's present time!"

Then the realisation set in. "It's Christmas!"


I jumped out of bed, bursting with energy all of a sudden. I pulled my pyjama top down. It was green and covered in hollies. I raced my mum to the living room, throwing myself into the pile of presents. My mum turned the radio on and 'Last Christmas' by Wham! blasted from the speakers. We sat next to each other on the sofa, swapping our presents.

My mum ripped open her gift. I'd got the picture of me on her back at Disneyland Paris, from last year, framed. Along with another framed picture of us skating near the big frozen pond back home. A cheesy grin spread spread across her face as she enveloped me into a warm hug.

My turn. I untied the golden ribbon and unfolded the wrapping paper, to reveal a heart shaped locket. On one side there was a picture of me and mum at the beach in Miami. On the other side there was a picture of me and Brooklyn, my lips against his cheek. I smiled, wrapping my arms around mum. I loved it!

Due to it only being us two, my grandma being up above and my dad spending all his money on alcohol, most of our presents were off each other. As a tradition, we bought each other's Christmas outfits every year. We squeeled running into our bedrooms to change.

Before I'd even finished, mum ran into my room wearing the golden dress I'd bought for her...

Before I'd even finished, mum ran into my room wearing the golden dress I'd bought for her

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"I love it!" She shrieked, twirling around in it.
I slipped on my dress and looked in the mirror.

My mum put her arm over my shoulder

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My mum put her arm over my shoulder. "Perfect." I smiled, resting my head on her shoulder. A second later, a knock sounded at the door. Brooklyn.

I ran, which is very hard to do in heels, and opened the door. I pulled Brooklyn into a tight hug.

"Merry Christmas!" I exclaimed.

"Merry Christmas. You look womderful." He replied.

"Thankful. So do you, handsome." I said, winking. Christmas always put me in a cheerful mood.

Brooklyn handed me a small gift wrapped in yellow ribbon. My favourite colour. I pulled him into the apartment and we sat on the sofa. I pulled the ribbon off my gift and unwrapped it. Inside was two tickets to Cyprus. I turned to face Brooklyn shocked.

"For real?"

"For real."

I let out a yelp of excitement, throwing my arms around him.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!"

"Hey. I can't take all the credit. Your mum came up with the idea." I looked at my mum, who flashed a smile at me.

"But on one condition." Brook began. "If she got to come too. I did try to talk her into letting just us two go, but she shot me down." I wasn't surprised, this was my mum's dream holiday.

"Don't worry." My mum said. "You guys will have plenty of time to yourself. We even have separate hotel rooms and I might even snag myself a Cypriot waiter." She said winking.

I rolled my eyes. "You're so embarrassing."

"No." She said pulling the photo album onto of the t.v. unit. "This is embarrassing." She pulled out a picture of a naked baby layed on a fury rug. I jumped at her, snatching the photo from her hand. Brooklyn and my mum were in hysterics. I laughed sarcastically, hitting my mum with a pillow. She was so immature.
After a very large meal and multiple Christmas crackers, I changed into something weather appropriate to go meet the guys in the park...

-------------------------------After a very large meal and multiple Christmas crackers, I changed into something weather appropriate to go meet the guys in the park

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My mum, of course, said she would not be left alone on Christmas and tagged along too...

My mum, of course, said she would not be left alone on Christmas and tagged along too

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We arrived at the park an hour later...

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