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We were making our way back through the airport when I heard a woman's voice scream,


My mum ran passed me and Brook, she abandoned her suitcase on the way and threw her bags at me.

"Mum! MUM!! Oh for gods sake, she's like a sodding child. Mum, there's a bar at the hotel. Mum?!"

She wasn't listening, she had already ordered a drink and downed it as we made it to the entrance. Exhausted from the flight, I scowled at her.

"Mother. We are going to the hotel in the transport WE organised. If you don't want to come with us, fine. I hope you manage to find your way. Somehow."

She hopped down from the barstool she had been perched on,

"Good grief. Take a chill pill, I'm coming aren't I? What are you ninety?" She huffed moodily as she took her suitcase from Brooklyn.

"I apologise for my boring daughter," she almost laughed,"she doesn't take after me."

Brooklyn raised an eyebrow quizically,

"I wouldn't say wanting to catch the SCHEDULED transport is boring."

My mum rolled her eyes, "I hope you two find you're mojo before the end of this holiday. I want to have fun!"

We trailed behind her, holding hands while tugging along our luggage, soon we'd be at the hotel in a huge comfy bed and room service to use so much more than really needed. I could not wait. Especially since I'd have Brooke all to myself for the first time in what felt like weeks.
I dropped my bags to floor upon entering our hotel. I dropped my jacket from my shoulders and launched myself onto the bed. Brook did the same, plunging his face into the cotton sheets.

"I'm sooo tired. What time is it?"

"Nine." Brook said.

"I'm gonna get a shower to wake myself up. Then, maybe, we can go for a dip in the pool or take a walk around the hotel gardens?"

"I fancy a swim."

"Ok. I'll be back soon."

"Ok." Brooklyn said, kissing my forehead. "I'm gonna start unpacking anyway."

I walked leisurely into the shower, steam filling the room as I turned the shower on. I bathed my skin lightly, allowing my body to relax as the warm water poured down. It dripped down my side's as my every thought faded into the back of my mind.

The sensation of the steamy water calmed me down; took my mind of things. All the things I didn't need to care about right now. It was like I was standing underneath an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful. But it wouldn't last. Eventually, my tiredness would return. I enjoyed it while it lasted, before stepping out of the shower and drying myself off.

I slipped into a swimsuit that covered as much of my body as possible. Brook looked me up and down as I walked out of the bathroom.

"We should go on holiday more often." He said, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes, "You're so immature."

"No, seriously. If we don't leave now, I'm not gonna be able to contain myself anymore."

"In that case..." I said, before grabbing a towel and dashing out of the hotel room and down the stairs.

Brook chased after me and pulled me over his shoulder.

"Get off me!" I giggled.

Brooklyn stopped next to the pool.

"Ok then." He said before flinging me into the water. He laughed jumping in afterwards. Because most people started to enter the pool pretty late, we had the place to ourselves. I screamed as Brook flicked water at my face.

"That's it. You're dead!" I said, flicking water back at him. Brook laughed, kicking his legs around. I giggled as the water splashed my face. Brook looked at me, smiling.

"What?" I asked, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You're just so perfect."

"Stop being silly." I laughed.

"I'm serious. Your eyes, your personality, your adorable laugh. Everything. I wouldn't change one thing."

"Stop it! You're making me blush..."

Brook pulled me closer, so my body was pressed against his."Thank You."

"For what?"

"For being the most perfect girl in the world."

Brook moved closer. So close, that I could feel his breath. His hands ran through my hair, his lips on mine. I immediately fell into it, kissing him back. I slid my hands to his neck, deepening the kiss.

His mouth, coupled with the way his hand trailed down my arm, was too much. So much. As a sharp breath escaped my lips, Brook pressed me harder into the side of the pool. His left hand caressed my cheek and his right hand gripped my waist, pulling me closer than I already was. We pulled apart, breathing heavily.

"We should head back to our room." I said, resting my head against Brook's.

"Good idea." He said, turning and climbing out of the pool. I followed after him, wrapping myself in a towel.

We spent the rest of the night unpacking, before curling up together on the balcony. I rested my head on Brooks chest, listening to the waves in the distance. Brook pulled out his phone, checking the time.

"It's midnight...Happy Birthday Ash."

I planted a kiss on his cheek. Officially eighteen.

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