One month ago...

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Rye's pov:
I woke up just before Mikey and Brook got back from shopping. Mikey walked into the flat. His face was pale and he had dark bags under his eyes.

"Oh My God! If you say one more thing relating to her, I'm going to pull my own ears off!" Mikey shouted as he walked through the door.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I joked.

He just glared at me. "You remember Ashley?"

"The girl from yesterday? Yeah. Why?"

"Well, Brook hasn't stopped talking about her for the past hour and he is driving me crazy!"

"Lighten up Mikey. Everyone's had to deal with one of your crushes at one point. Now you know how we felt?"

Mikey just walked straight past me. His fists slightly clenched.

"So..." I turned to face Brooklyn, "You've got a thing for Ashley?"

He looked down at his feet.

"It doesn't matter anyway. She's way too good for me."

"Oh don't you dare! That is not the case at all! It's because you don't have the guts to talk to her. Look, if you really like her, then you'll at least try before giving up. Mikey might not, but I believe you could win her over. Even if it takes days,weeks or months, you can turn her head. Now, go get that girl!"

Present day -  Continuing Rye's pov:

I waited until Ashley had left before turning to face Brooklyn.

"I knew you could do it!"

"Do what?"

"You got the girl!"

Brooklyn smiled and looked at Ashley walking away in the distance.

"Yeah." He said blushing.
"I guess I did..."

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