That Night

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We returned to the hotel by half eleven. We said goodnight to the others before splitting off and returning to our own rooms. I collapsed onto the bed, pulling my boots off.

"What. A. Night." I said, tying my hair into a messy bun.

"I know!" Brooklyn said, flopping down next to me.

"Thank You."

"For what?"

"One of the best nights of my life." I said, pressing a kiss against Brook's cheek.

"Your welcome. Although I can't say I was very happy that you were kissing other guys." He said winking.

I laughed at his sarcastic remark.
"Oh, you peice of-"

Brooks kiss stole the words that I didn't need to say. In that silence, all our secrets were laid bare, all of our passions and the spark of love that existed between us. In that moment, in his love, I felt stronger. One kiss and I had the courage to do what needed to be done.

I wrapped my leg around Brooklyn's waist, sitting on his lap as he gently ran his fingers up and down my spine. I pulled him closer, running my fingers through his hair. I poured all of my emotion into this kiss, then he pulled back ever so slightly.
I could sense his trepidation in his questioning eyes.
"It's ok Brook. I'm ready, I want this. I promise"
I bet you can guess what happened next....
Brooklyn's pov:

I woke up, still tired from the night before. I sat up in bed with my throbbing head and then searched for my clothes on the bedroom floor. A grin spread across my face as i remembered last night. God she was amazing. I walked into the bathroom, in just my underwear. I found Ashley brushing her teeth, jigging on the spot in my shirt and socks with her head phones on. I couldn't help but stand and stare. She was perfect, although I did find her dancing slightly frightening. I held her from behind and our fingers intertwined. She giggled as I traced my fingers along her collarbone. How was I so lucky to get a girl like Ashley?

Ashley's pov:

I danced around the bathroom, wearing my headphones. I was listening to 'Shine A Light by Mcfly. I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me. I interlocked my fingers with Brook's. I giggled, as he traced his fingers across my collar line. Last night was amazing, but he had made it perfect. I put down my toothbrush and removed my headphones and turned to face Brooklyn. Neither of us could stop smiling.

"Morning." I said, resting my hands on his hips.

"Morning." Brook said, smiling.

"So, last night...happened."

"Yeah... It's did." He said, the smile on his face growing wider.

I pulled him into a warm embrace, before walking over to my suitcase and pulling out a comfy outfit. I didn't bother locking the door to get changed, Brooklyn had pretty much seen everything by now...

---------------------------------------------After packing up our bags, we checked out of the hotel and headed to the coach

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After packing up our bags, we checked out of the hotel and headed to the coach. This time, we were the ones that looked the most awake, besides Ryan of course.

I sat at the back next to Brooklyn and tied my hair into a loose ponytail. Ryan leaned over the back of his seat.

"You two look very lively this morning."

"Of course they do." Andy cut in. "I'm not surprised after last night."

Me and Brook looked at him confusedly.

"Oh, don't try denying it!" Andy continued. "I was in the room next door you know?"

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