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As soon as we entered the escape room, everything went dark. Despite a red light flashing in the corner. You could hear screaming and the sound of metal against metal and yet only the six of us were in the room. To get to the next room we had to find the key and yet, we couldn't see anything.

Suddenly, a loud cackling sound filled the room and out of nowhere, a clown appeared. I grabbed a hold of Brooklyn, holding onto his arm for dear life. My heart was beating out of my chest and my breaths were heavy. No, not a clown!

The clown crept up on Rye, who hadn't seen it yet and screamed in his ear. This only resulted in Rye turning around and punching the clown square in the face. He must have used a lot of power because the clown fell to the floor, passed out.

That's when I saw it. I snatched the key from the clowns pocket and ran to the opposite door, dragging Brooklyn along with me. The next room had runic symbols written all over the walls a sentence written in French along the back of the door. Not only did we have to translate the sentence into English, but then translate it into runic symbols.

Andy jumped up and down clapping his hands like a three year old.

" I know it, I know it! In English, the phrase means 'blood calls for blood', which is Shakespeare. We have to spell the name of the play using the symbols."

"But what's the play called?" Mikey questioned."

"Macbeth." I said, "But how are we meant to figure out these symbols?"

"We're not spelling out the word. I think we have to choose which sequence of symbols spells the correct play." Said Rye. He cheated and pulled out his phone. This one he said, showing us the image.

I typed the symbols into the code bar on the wall, unlocking the next door

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I typed the symbols into the code bar on the wall, unlocking the next door.

In the last room, a putrid stench hung in the air and corpses were piled on top of one another. A vampire jumped from the ceiling moving slowly towards us. But there wasn't a key anywhere. A note was written on the wall in 'blood. It read 'What do vampires avoid?'. We looked at each other confused.

"Light!" I screamed out, jumping at the light switch. A bright light flickered on revealing a projector. Both the vampire and corpses disappeared. A small, black door was now visible. It was open, revealing the entrance of the building on the other side. Thank God it was over!

Everyone started cheering with both joy and relief. We all started laughing.

"I thought I was going to die in there!" Brooklyn joked.

"Me too!"

Then I realised that I still had my arm wrapped around his. I saw he'd realised too and yet, neither of us bothered to move our arms. Brooklyn looked up at me, his cheeks blushed a bright pink. He moved his face an inch closer to mine. But my beliefs were still the same and I couldn't let myself fall in love to fall out of it again and so, I unlinked my arm from his and walked over to the others.

"Hey guys! I better get going. I'm expected home in an hour."

"Are you sure?" Asked Mikey asked. "We're all going to the lake later to hang out, it could be fun."

"I wish I could but I'm busy tonight. I'll text you later." I said glancing at Brooklyn.

"Ok." Said Mikey. "Do you want me to walk you home?"

"I'll be fine. Speak to you later!" I said, waving as I walked towards the exit. Brooklyn looked at me with both a concerned and guilty expression across his face. But he didn't chase after me, he let me leave.


I arrived home just before my mum. I kicked my shoes off and launched myself at the sofa. My phone notified a text message from Brooklyn.

Brook - Hi. I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have moved to kiss you like that, I hardly even know you. It's was way out of character...

Me - It's fine. It's not your fault, I pulled away.  It's just...Well, my parents recently got a divorce and I  don't think I could handle a relationship just yet...

Brook - I understand. Are you sure you don't want to come with us tonight.

Me - Yeah. I think I'm gonna chill and watch a film tonight. I'm exhausted.

Brook - Do you want me to come over?

Me - No, it's fine. Go enjoy yourself. I'll text you tomorrow. Night X

Brook - Night..

I left my phone on the couch and changed into something more comfortable...

After changing, I returned to the living room to find my mum sat on the couch, my phone in her hand

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After changing, I returned to the living room to find my mum sat on the couch, my phone in her hand.

"So...," she began, "who's Brooklyn?"

Hi guys. Hope you like this book so far. It's my first, so please don't judge. Please leave a comment on what you liked or any ideas to improve it...X

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