Snowball Fight...

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The grass and trees were covered in thick blankets of snow and there was a chilly breeze that filled the air. The gazebo was covered in fairy lights and baubles had been hung on the branches by members of the public.  Me and Brook walked hand in hand, mum following behind us. Our footprints marked the fresh white snow. We walked past multiple snow angels, every single one a different shape, length or size. It was breathtaking...

I lost my breath, as something hit me in the middle of my back. I turned around to find Rye stood there, three snowballs in each arm. He laughed, aiming another at my chest. I ducked and it hit my mum square in the face. She wiped the snow from her eyes and balled up a pile of snow of her own. She threw it at Ryan, hitting him in the shoulder.

He brushed it off laughing.

He shifted his gaze to the other guys.


Each of them grabbed a snowball, throwing them at us. That was it, we all ran around dodging snowballs, and before we knew it we were in the middle of a full blown snowball fight.

I ran toward Brook trying to hide behind him, a snowball whistled past my ear and hit Brook on the back of his head. He let out a yelp and rubbed the back of his head, we turned just in time to see Jack doing a strange victory dance. He was punching his hands in the air and doing some strange star jumps.

His victory was short lived as my mum snuck up behind him and put handfuls of snow down his jumper...
Jack danced around, he tried pulling at his clothes and patting himself down. The whole group were in hysterics. Just as Jack ran to make a beeline for mum, Andy stuck out his foot tripping him up. Jack yelled out as he hit the snow face first.

"All pile on ooonnn!!!" Rye bellowed with laughter in his voice.
My mum and I stood by and watched the boys embarrass themselves, I pulled out my phone to video them.
Poor jack was laid on the floor coughing and sputtering, snow clung to his eyebrows and eyelashes.

Everyone laughed as he picked himself up and shook the snow off. He picked pieces of grass from his tongue, which he had inhaled whilst his face was buried in the snow.

A little while later, it began to snow and everyone took a seat under the gazebo. Besides me, who stood sticking my tongue out, catching snowflakes. I ushered Brook to join me, but him and Jack were holding each other, pretending to shiver to try and avoid walking out into the cold again.

Mikey shook his head. "Brook. It's Christmas. Have fun while it lasts."

Brook just held onto Jack even tighter, shaking his head. "It's too cold."

Rye, Mikey and Mum ran out to join me, catching snowflakes in their hands. My mum jumped into the snow, making a snow angel. I joined her, creating my own next to hers. Rye and Mikey joined in, laughing at each other like two toddlers. I looked over at Brooklyn, who wasn't dealing with the snow very well. I walked up to the gazebo and pulled him off his backside.

"Right guys! We better go home before Jack and Brook die of hypothermia. Come on!"

Despite everyone else being ready to get home, Rye continued to chase my mum out if the park with a snowball. We approached a bare tree near the gates.

"Brook. Give me a lift." I said, reaching into my pocket for a bauble, I had picked off one of the other trees. I placed on one of the high branches on the Oak tree and  climbed off of Brook's shoulders. I placed a kiss against his forehead.

"How about we take it as a sign?" If that bauble is still there next year, untouched, it's a sign that we'll be together forever. Deal?"

"Deal." He said, kissing me lightly on the lips. We caught up to the others and made our way up to my apartment.

After warming up with a hot chocolate by the fire, I got up to get a refill,  Brook following after me. We both stopped at the kettle, oblivious of the mistletoe we were standing directly underneath.

My mum pointed it out laughing. Brook rolled his eyes, smiling. He pressed a light kiss on my lips before we  returned to the couch.

"That was not a kiss!" Rye exclaimed, shaking his head. He smacked his lips against Andy's and pulled him into a tight embrace, running a hand through Andy's hair. He pulled away, leaving Andy starstruck. "That is a kiss!"

We all laughed, taking sips of our drinks. It might have been my first Christmas without dad, but it had been the best one so far. I rested my head on Brooklyn's shoulder. An incredible mum, three amazing friends, an extra amazing best friend and the most perfect boyfriend in the whole word. I had everything I needed. What more could I ask for...?

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