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I woke up in Brook's bed the morning after. His arms wrapped around me, holding me close. He breathed lightly against my neck as he slept. I smiled as I lifted his arm and crawled out of bed. I pulled Brook's hoodie over my head, pulling on some knee high socks.

As I made my way downstairs, I could hear hushed whispers coming from the kitchen. I listened in to the conversation, lingering in the hallway.

"You need to get over her. She's with Brooklyn. And while some people might not understand why she's with Brook, when they clearly liked her first, you have to deal with it. Everybody else did." I heard Rye whisper.

I heard the silence and then a quiet reply. Harvey?

"What are you talking about Rye? Wait...Do you like Ash?"

"What are you talking about?! Of course not! Why would you say that?! I don't...why would I-just shut up!"

I heard the something smash and the sound of hurried footsteps. Rye stormed out of the kitchen, walking straight into me. He caught me as I fell, one hand under my head, the other under my legs. He pulled me to my feet and stared into my eyes for a long minute before rushing upstairs. I heard the slam of door and a loud bang.

I walked into the kitchen and made eye contact with Harvey. I felt uncomfortable all of a sudden. He looked me up and down, with embarrassment in his eyes. He stood up and walked out of the kitchen, making this way up the stairs. I turned around. There were peices of a smashed cup scattered on the tiled floor.

I had no idea what was going on. Rye wouldn't like me, he was my best friend. Right?

I waited until Harvey had left before entering Rye's bedroom. He was sat on the bed his head in his hands. Was he crying? I sat down next him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He lifted his head to look at me. He shook his head in embarrassment.

"Please Ashley, don't. Just leave me alone."

"Come on, Rye. Tell me what's wrong. It's obvious that you're upset."

"I can't."

"Come on. You can trust me."

"No. Ashley. That's the thing. It's not that I can't trust you, I know I can. It's just you. I can't tell you."

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, Ashley. That's it. You did nothing wrong. It's not your fault. It's mine."

"Ok, now I'm confused. What do you mean 'your fault'?"

Rye placed a finger on his temple, shaking his head. "Just forget about it. You made your choice. It's too late now."

"Too late for what? And choice? Rye, tell me what's going on."

Rye stared at me, with a tear in eye. Nothing could prepare me for what happened next. Rye pulled my face to his, pressing his lips to mine. He kissed me hard, unable to pull himself away. Like a vampire unable to stop drinking the blood from a human.

I pulled away. My mouth gaping open.

"What the fuck Rye!"

He looked at me guiltilly.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself."

"What are you talking about?! I came to make you feel better, not have a snog fest whilst I'm dating your best friend! What did you do that for?"

"Because I'm in love with you Ashley! Brook wasn't the only one that fell for you! So did Harvey! And, yes, Brook liked you! But so did I! So yes, Ashley, it was wrong. But I needed it. I needed to kiss you. To have the moment I wish I could have had with you. The moment that Brook gets to enjoy every day. I know! It's bad. I need to move on. Everyone tells me the same thing. But I can't. Because you're here. And as long as you're around... I will never be able to get over you!"

I sat there, my mouth hanging open. Before I could reply, the door swung open. Brook stormed in and threw a punch at Rye's face. Rye rubbed his jaw, dodging the next punch Brook attempted to throw at him. He caught his fist.

"Brook. Don't do this!"

"Don't do this? You kissed my girlfriend!"

"I'm sorry. I know, it was bad. I tried my best. But, think about it, I couldn't hold back forever!"

"Please, Rye. I saw her first. You can't just decide to take her away from me!"

"But you can steal Lexi from me?!"

"That's different."

"How? Let me guess. You can do it, but I can't?!"

Brook and Rye lunged at each other, throwing punches and kicks. Rye pinned Brook up against the wall, clenching his teeth.

"You took every girl I had ever loved from me and I forgave you every time. But the second I do it to you...You turn on me. I loved Maya, you kissed her. I loved Lexi, you slept with her. I told you I liked Ashley, and instead of us both forgetting about it so that nobody got hurt, you asked her out."

Brook glared at him, his nostrols flaring. I'd never seen him so angry. Rye continued.

"I tried to be happy for you. I acted like nothing was wrong. I joked around all the time. But I can't do it anymore! I'm sick of sitting on the sidelines. You're gonna get over her, just like you did with the others. And when you do, I'll be waiting for her. Because I actually care. Unlike you. If you loved her, I wouldn't have caught you kissing Lexi the day after Ashley left. If you loved her, you would have gone after her. But you didn't. I did." He spat. "And I will. Every time, you do something stupid or selfish or mean. I'll be there. Because I do care! So tell me Brook. What have you got to say now? Because from what I can tell, everything Ash knows about a lie!"


Sorry it took so long to publish guys. I've been extra busy. I hope you like it. I know it's not the best chapter, but I have a plan. Thanks for reading and thanks for the 2.04K reads! X

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