The Warning

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Upon waking up, I burrowed myself into the warm, soft sheets. I rubbed the remainders of sleep from my eyes and gazed out of the window at the opaque sky. I wish I could see the beauty in the rising of the sun, but right now I wanted the darkness of niggt to return. Brooklyn groaned, covering his head with a pillow. Eventually I rolled out of bed, stumbling across the room. I threw a pillow at Brook.

"Come on." I shouted croakily. "If I have to get up, then you do to!"

Brooklyn slowly sat up, he wiped the hair out of his face. Before falling over the edge of the bed.

"Ouch..." He said, standing up and pulling a top over his head.

We got ready before we ate breakfast, due to waking up an hour later than we meant to. We decided to wear something comfy for the journey and to change at the hotel...

 We decided to wear something comfy for the journey and to change at the hotel

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After we'd changed and eaten breakfast, we moved our bags into the living room ready for when we left

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After we'd changed and eaten breakfast, we moved our bags into the living room ready for when we left. Mum had left for work early, so I texted her instead.

Me - Hi Mum, we're setting off to manchester soon. I'll text you when we get there. Be back tomorrow X

Mum - Ok then. Stay safe and tell Brooklyn good luck for me. I'll text you after work. Love you X

Me - Will do. Love you too. Bye X

I slid my phone into my back pocket.

"Let's go!" I said, grabbing my backpack.

I locked up the apartment and we made our way to the van outside.

"Who's ready for a four and a half hour drive to Manchester?!" Ryan screamed, jumping out of the van.

I rolled my eyes and climbed into the coach. Mikey sat with his head resting against the back of the seat, nodding off. I climbed into the seat behind him, Brooklyn following after me.

As we set off I grabbed a blanket from my bag. I pulled one side of it over me and offered the side to Brook. He took part of the blanket and wrapped himself up. He rested his head on my lap, before dozing off.

By half past six, almost every one was asleep, except me and Ryan. We sat talking to each other over the seats.

"No, not true. Aquaman is definitely better than Batman." I told Ryan, disagreeing with his point.

"Oh, come on. Batman's use of intellect and intimidation stopped multiple wars from breaking out."

"Not true. Aquaman has telepathic control over all aquatic life, not to mention his strength, speed and agility. Batman's basically a rich man that wears a suit and calls himself a superhero." I explained.

"Agree to disagree?" Ryan asked, handing me a bar of chocolate.

"Agree to disagree..."

"So.. You and Brooklyn huh?"

"What about it?"

"Do you like him?"

"What kind of question is that??"

Ryan shook his head....
"You know what I mean Ash."

"I don't think I do Rye, I'm his girlfriend, he's my boyfriend. By definition we must like each other! Why are you asking me this?"

Ryan sighed loudly,
"Brooks one of my best mates, I like you a lot Ash, I think you're great. Really. But I'm warning you, I just don't want to see him get hurt. He really likes you. For gods sake, he's been saying he's in love with you for weeks."

I rolled my eyes and leaned forward towards Ryan...

"I'm glad you're looking out for him Ryan, really I am. But,  did it ever occur to you that maybe I love him too? He's not a child and neither am I, he's not the only one who's fallen in love. I like you, in fact I could see us being great friends but you have to trust me. I won't hurt him I promise...ok??"

"Okay then" Ryan coughed loudly, "Sorry for going all mushy on you. I'll behave now."

I leant back in the seat and looked at Brook... I noticed him staring at me. The words out of his mouth shocked me...

"Ryan... Why the hell are you threatening my girlfriend?"......

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