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We pulled our hands apart as we walked up to the guys. We didn't want to give it away before we'd told them about us. They waved walking over to us.

"So what are we planning to do today?" I asked.

"I know!" Rye said, before running up to me and tagging my on my back. Everyone started running as I chased them around the park. I tagged Jack on the arm. He screamed chasing after Brooklyn and tagging him on the leg. Brooklyn changed his coarse running towards me, I can away laughing.

Brook's arms wrapped around my waist as he caught up to me. I giggled as I fell to the floor, unable to escape from his hold. I rolled over, my face inches from Brook's. Finally, my lips touched his. Sparks flew in every direction as the world around us melted away. He made me feel like nothing else mattered. It was a warm, yet soft kiss. Our lips moved in sync, my hands on his waist. A smile grew on my face as his fingers moved up and down my spine. Finally, we pulled apart.

Everyone had stopped running, their eyes on us.

"Well, that's one way to get the word out." I whispered to Brooklyn.

Andy stood their with his eyebrows raised. He pointed to me and Brooklyn about five times, before saying...

"And you didn't tell me because...?"

"We weren't sure how you'd react." I replied

"Please. He needed to get out of the house once in a while." Andy joked.

"I wondered why you were so happy all the time." Mikey laughed, playfully punching Brooklyn in the arm.

Ryan smirked, winking at me. I was surprised he'd managed to keep it a secret for that long.

After a large meal and way too many glasses of coke, me and Brooklyn headed back to my apartment. My mum was sat on the living room floor, surrounded by peices of cut out fabric.

"What's going on?" I asked.

She looked up, wiping sweat from her head. "I took a designing internship. But because of my late application, I have tonight to come up with a prom dress that sybolises both nature and youth.

"Ok then." I said stepping over the piles of fabric and thread. "I'll be in my bedroom if you need me." I walked into my bedroom, Brooklyn walking in behind me. Boxes of materials were piled in the corner of the room. It was official, my mum had lost the plot.

I walked out onto the balcony and breathed in the the fresh air. Brooklyn appeared at my side, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Isn't it funny, that if I had made a different decision, I wouldn't be here right now? If I had chosen to stay with dad, I would never have met him. Because if I was stood here in a different universe, without him by my side, I would never have become complete.

It was Sunday, the day before the concert and I had just finished packing my overnight bag. Me and Brooklyn were waking up at four tomorrow morning  and the guys would be here to pick us up by six. Brooks green eyes opened and closed from the light of the TV and I sort of smiled. He stared at me in confusion, blinking.


"Nothing." I said, trying to hide my smile as best I could.

He rolled his eyes and nuzzled his head into my shoulder, his blonde hair inches from my nose. I could smell his Brooklyn-like smell, lavender body wash and aftershave. I was tired as hell. I felt as though energy was being constantly drained out of me, as though I was leaking energy. I turned the lamp off, resting my head on the pillow. Sleep overtook me...

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