The Prank

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After the party, we decided to head straight home. When we returned to the apartment, mum was already fast asleep in her room. I unbuttoned the side of my dress and slipped it off. Before I knew it, Brooklyn was kissing my lips, stroking up and down my spine.

We were kissing like crazy. His tongue slipped inside my mouth, gentle but demanding and it was nothing like I'd ever experienced. I suddenly understood why people describe kissing as melting because every square inch of my body dissolved into his. My fingers gripped his hair, pulling him closer. My veins throbbed, my heart exploding. I had never wanted anyone like that before. Ever.

Brook pushed me backwards and we were laying down, making out whilst mum slept just next door. But I didn't care. All I wanted was Brook. The weight of his body on mine. I inhaled his shampoo, his clothes softener, and that extra scent that's just...him. It was the best smell in the world, the smell of both cotton and after shave.

His lips taste like strawberries. Strands of his hair brushed against my neck. But I didn't care. I didn't care at all. I felt wonderful. His hands trailed my skin. It didn't matter that his mouth was on mine. It didn't matter that he had full control. I wanted him, closer closer closer...

I woke up quite early the next morning. I decided to leave Brooklyn to sleep and walked to the kitchen, wrapping myself in a dressing gown. I entered the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. I jumped out of my skin as I turned around to see Rye sat at the table in his shirt and boxers.

"So this is what you look like on a morning?" He joked, looking from my messy hair to my smudged mascara.

I ignored his comment. "What are you doing here anyway?" I asked, sitting opposite him.

"Your mum had a little too much to drink. I helped her get home and into bed. I was going to leave after you got home, but you weren't back until quite late. I must have nodded off."

"Yeah, sorry about that. Thanks, for helping out."

"No problem. Seriously though, you and Brook need to be careful. You woke me up. I'm surprised your mum didn't hear you two. I had to cover my ears with a pillow."

I looked away, embarrassed. Rye just smirked, taking a sip of his tea.

"So, Brook said you're of to Cyprus this year?"




"I'm gonna take it you're not a morning person?"


Rye laughed, "I should go home and get changed, I don't have any spare clothes."

I put my hand up. "Give me a sec. I might have something." I tiptoed into my bedroom and looked through some of Brook's spare clothes, pulling out some jeans and a tyedye tee-shirt.
I returned to the kitchen and threw them at Rye.

"Shove those on. Brook has about ten spare outfits in my closet."

"Thanks. I'll be back in two." With that, Rye disappeared into the bathroom to get changed. I walked back into my room and pulled out a comfy outfit...

I shoved my hair into a high ponytail and applied a limited amount of mascara

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I shoved my hair into a high ponytail and applied a limited amount of mascara. Brooklyn turned over in bed, rubbing his eyes. He looked at me, blinking.

"Morning sleepyhead." I said, sitting down next to him.

"Morning." Brook pulled me into his arms, placing kisses along my collarbone.

"Ssshh...Rye will hear us." I said, trying not to giggle.


"He dropped mum off yesterday after she had a few drinks and fell asleep here."

"Oh, ok." Brook said, nodding his head. "Maybe we should find out how good his hearing really is." He said, tickling my hips. I erupted into fits of laughter, failing to escape Brooks grasp. Brook placed kisses down my neck, only causing me to laugh louder.

"Get a room!" Rye shouted from the living room. I wriggled out of Brook's arms, straightening myself out. He laughed, climbing out of bed.

My mum poked her head around my door. "I can't believe Rye's still here." She said.

"Well somebody had to help you get into bed..."

"Yeah, he helped me into bed alright." She smirked. "And out of my pants."

I spun around quickly, my eyes widened and my jaw was slightly clenched. A smile spread across mum's face, as she burst out laughing.

"Got you!" She said, laughing. "I can't believe you thought I was being serious!" Rye appeared in the doorway, laughing even louder. They high fived each other, resting against one another in hysterics.

I felt the the weight lift off my chest, in relief.

"Good one..." I said, resting my hand on my stomach and letting out a breath. Brooklyn wrapped his arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"It's alright babe. We'll get 'em back..."

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