It's Ashley. Isnt it?

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Red, orange and yellow leaves fell from deciduous trees and carpeted the ground. And the sky was milky white, opaque and clear of clouds. A cool breeze lingered in the air, as birds flew overhead to migrate for the winter. Leaves crinkled underfoot as early risers made their was through the park.

I sat a bench, reading one of my favourite books, Five Feet Apart. The quiet sound of rustling leaves was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps. Running. Somebody darted past me.

It tried to ignore it until another guy emerged from around the corner, he stopped gasping for breath, his hands resting against his legs.
I recognised his dark, blue tinted hair and peircings. It was the boy from the drive thru. Although I'm not quite sure how I remembered, it's been four days since then.

He lifted his head to look at me. He's stared at me for a second, his eyebrow slightly raised. A look of realisation spread across his face.

"You're the girl from Starbucks," he said, "It's Ashley. Isn't it?"

Before I could reply, the guy that had ran past me jogged up to the bench. He had brown, wavy hair and hazel eyes.

"Come on Mikey. We said we'd be there by nine and it's..." He looked at his watch, "quarter to ten. Great"

The boy, presumably called Mikey, turned to face me.

"Well, just in case Ryan wasn't clear, I'm Mikey."

"Well. You already know my name. Ashley." I smiled.

The brown haired boy cut in.

"So you're the one Brook can't shut up about?"

"Excuse me?"

"The blonde one." Stated Mikey. "Ever since he saw you he keeps bringing up how your eyes were amazing or how the wet hair look suited you. He visited the drive thru the last few days, but you weren't there."

" Well tell him I'm sorry, I work afternoons most days."

" Well we better be off anyway. Enjoy your book."

I smiled and looked down, continuing to read.

"Unless," Mikey began, "you want to come? Were just hanging out with some friends and practicing some music"


"Yeah. We're kind of in a band. You can tag along if you want?"

Any other day I would have said no, but Mikey didn't seem like a total weirdo and I had nothing to do. And that's the only reason I said...

"Sure. Why not?"

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