Together Again...

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It had been a week since me and Brook had started dating again. But if I'm honest, it felt like it did before, as if nothing had ever happened. We picked up where we left off, settling into our old pattern without so much as a hiccup. I'd missed him, it had been the longest week of my life.

As we made our way to the park, to meet the guys, I couldn't help but look at him. He caught me staring and smirked.


"Nothing. I've just missed you. That's all..."

Brooklyn stopped, pulled me to him and leaned down to kiss me,

"Trust me babe. I've missed you more."

I smiled as we walked on, nothing could have prepared me for Brook. He was everything I had never knew I needed. 
He had spent the last week apologising and explaining himself. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. The niggling doubts I had left, all evaporated. He loved me and  I loved him, no amount of crazy stalker exes would change that.

I was so busy being cheesy and mentally gushing over my boyfriend that I didn't see Rye barrelling toward me. I only knew what was happening when we hit the floor he landed sqaure on top of me. Brook fell head first over the heap of limbs we made. Passers by shook their heads either in exasperation or empathetic, embarrassment. I didn't care. I was right where I wanted to be, with the love of my life and surrounded by the best friends I had ever had.

After we had finished laughing and brushed ourselves off, we walked into the pool hall. Andy was the first to run over and welcome me back. Although Brook and I had been back together a week,  we had spent the majority alone. Working things out, talking and doing couple things. Now I was ready to share him, for a little while anyway.

I made my way around our little group, hugging and laughing, relieved that nothing had changed. I hadn't even realised that rye had left until he came back with a drink for everyone. He stood on a stool and cleared his throat dramatically,

"Ahem... I would like to say a few words. Dearly beloved we are gathered here today, to welcome the immensely awesome Ashley back into the crazy. Girl, we've missed you, more than a fat kid misses cake! I'm so glad Brook pulled his head out of his arse and did the right thing. We all love you,  we all think you're far too good for him. And most of us can't believe our own bad luck that he found you first."

They all laughed, except Brook who had an almost imperceptible smirk on his face. Rye continued,

"Seriously though. We've missed you. I've missed you the most, obviously,  but we've all missed you. We hope you'll be around forever and ever and when you die we will have you stuffed and permanently sat on the sofa. To Ashley!"

There was whooping and cat calls as he jumped down from the stool, random strangers were applauding his little outburst.

I felt Brooks hand on my face, he tucked my hair behind my ear and leaned in to whisper,

"I missed you the most. When we get back I'll show you just how much."

A shiver of anticipation rolled down my spine, I looked into Brooks eyes and nodded slightly. Completely forgetting where we were, I grabbed him and pulled him to me. My lips were urgent against his, unable to get close enough fast enough, I twined my fingers in his hair and pushed my body flat against his. Brooklyn deepened the kiss, both of us needing the connection. We were all lips and whispered breaths, unaware of how carried away we were actually getting.  I knew if we had been anywhere else, we wouldn't just be kissing.

Suddenly his lips left mine and he dragged himself away, I finally heard the cat calls and yells from other people, shouts of,

"Get a room,"

"Give her one for me."

Or even

"I'd give her more than a snog man!"

Seemed to be popular, although I was fairly certain the latter came from an over excited Rye. But I didn't care.
We stared at each other panting, the unspoken promise of 'later' in the air between us.
I unwillingly tore my eyes away from Brooklyn and surveyed our audience.

"Come on then douche bags, who wants to kick my butt at pool?!"

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