The Hotel Room

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Ryan slowly turns in his seat.

"Oh hey Brook, I didn't realise you were awake."

"Answer the question." Brooklyn said, gruffly.

Ryan opened his mouth to speak, but I got there first...

"Seriously we're not doing this... He's just looking out for you babe. He's just trying to be a good friend. Please can we just forget about it?"

I pressed a soft kiss to his lips as my eyes searched his face. Brooklyn tucked my hair behind my ear and let out a long breath.

"Fine. I'll leave it for now." He nodded at Ryan, "Me and you are gonna have to talk later though Rye. I appreciate you having my back, but please don't ever talk to Ash like that again."

Ryan mimicked zipping his mouth shut and crossing his heart. I cuddled into Brooklyn's side,

"I love you, please don't be mad. He loves you."

He wrapped his arm around me..
"I know... I'll be ok. I love you too."

Andy removed his sleeping mask, revealing a very annoyed facial expression.

"Excuse me, but if you've finished with your relationship drama would you mind being quiet. Some of us are trying to catch up on our beauty sleep."

I giggled to myself, before slowly drifting of to sleep. My head resting on Brook's shoulder.
After another three hours of sleeping and listening to music, we arrived at the hotel.

Brooklyn and Ryan exited the coach first. I caught their conversation as I climbed out of the coach. Just in time to see Brooklyn pull Ryan into a 'bro hug'.

"I appreciate you looking out for me Rye. It means a lot to me. But please don't threaten my girlfriend again."

I smirked to myself as I walked over to them, what a fight. I'll be honest I was expecting more of a hissy fit than that.

Brooklyn walked towards me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. We chose our roommates for the night and checked in; Ryan and Mikey, Jack and Andy, Me and Brooklyn, Alex and Charlie. This was gonna be fun....

I've seen hotel rooms before but oh. My. God. This was something else.... The huge four poster bed would have dominated the room if it wasn't for the brick fireplace with roaring flames. Brook charged passed me and did a front flip onto the red satin comforter....
"Oh man. This is the life. I could get used to this. Come here babe.. This bed is perfect."

I sauntered over and flopped down... He was right, it was perfect.

"Mmmm I could lay here all day" I whispered. Brook jumped up with a solemn expression.

"Me too, but I can't. I have to head to the venue for sound check. You can come if you want?"

I shook my head no.. After seeing the claw foot bath tub I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to do.

"I'm just gonna chill and try to find a killer outfit for tonight... I wanna look hot for my boyfriend" I said with a wink.

Brook leaned over and kissed me on my forehead.
"As long as you're sure. But just so you  know you could wear a bin bag and still be the hottest girl in the place."
He flashed his megawatt smile and left the room....

I hawled myself off of the bed and headed to the bathroom, filling up the bath with bubble bath. I breathed in the lavender aroma, I stripped impatiently and dropped myself into the lushly scented bubbles.

After an extremely relaxing bath, I climbed out to dry myself off. I picked out my outfit for my concert, did my makeup and curled my hair.

 I picked out my outfit for my concert, did my makeup and curled my hair

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A quick check in the mirror solidified my outfit choice

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A quick check in the mirror solidified my outfit choice.... Dressy but not over the top and sexy without being slutty. I may never understand what Brooklyn saw in me, but at least I wasn't a total duff in this get up.

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