Not so secret...

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Warning! Mild sexual content...


Ashley's pov:

The next eight weeks passed by in a blur; sneaking around, stealing odd kisses when nobody was looking, two months in it felt like a real relationship. The only difference was that we couldn't tell anyone. We needed to talk about it, I just didn't know where to start.

I walked up the small hallway to the front door and knocked, I had no idea what I was going to say or how he would take it. I started to panic slightly as he door opened, Rye stood there with a wide grin on his face,

"Hey babe, wasn't expecting you until later."

"We need to talk."

I blurted the words out before I knew what I was going to say. A look of confusion and hurt covered his face as he opened the door wide enough for me to come in,

"Ohhhkay? We can go to my room. Jack's gone home for a few days, so. Yeah."

I followed him up the stairs and stood in front of him as he perched on his bed. He patted the mattress beside him, gesturing for me to take a seat. I turned to close the door and took a seat beside Rye. I don't know why I was so nervous, but my hands wouldn't stop shaking. I lifted my head and looked into his eyes as I spoke,

"Look, Rye, I know this might seem like it's out of the blue but I..."

"No Ash!! No, you're not doing this. You're not breaking up with me. I love you, things have been perfect with us. I won't let you do this!"

Rye grabbed my face and kissed me hard. I wrenched away but held his hands in mine as I spoke,

"I'm not breaking up with you! Okay? You couldn't get rid of me even if you wanted to. I just, I think.... I'm sick of hiding and sneaking around. I want to be able to hold hands and kiss you in the street. I want people to know we're together, I don't want to have to sneak into your room at midnight anymore. I want to just be with you."

His eyes searched my face as tears filled my eyes, but I carried on.

"I hate that we can't make plans unless we're in private. I hate that we can't go anywhere and act as a proper couple without worrying people might see. I want to be able to kiss you goodbye at the door and not in your room. I want everyone to know, I love you too."

Rye's finger captured a tear as it slid down my face, a small smile played on his lips,

"I know. I want all those things too, but, we knew it wouldn't be simple when we agreed to this remember?"

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear,

"You know that's the first time we've properly said we love each other? Maybe tonight is a night for other firsts?"

He cupped my face in his hands as he kissed me deeply, heat spread through me like wildfire. I pulled back slightly to look at him,

"Are you sure this is a good idea Rye?"

He kissed me in answer, he nodded his head slightly as the kiss deepened. I gave in to the lust and wound my fingers into his hair. His hands lowered to my shirt as he undid,the buttons, quickly, impatiently.
Everywhere he touched left a trail of heat, I pulled his t shirt over his head and ran my fingers along the inside of his waistband. He let out a small gasp against my lips as I untied his trousers. He fell back onto the bed and pulled me down beside him.

"I've wanted this for so long Ash. I thought it would never happen."

We pulled off the last of each other's clothes and our eyes met as our bodies became more entwined. He moved against me and I felt the muscles in his back moving simultaneously. His lips were soft against mine and we moved in unison. The heat building in me was overwhelming. Whatever I had with Brook couldn't come close to what I felt now with Rye.

Sweat missed our skin as we moved, Rye whispered sweet things in my ear, we were both lost in each other, everything was building. I stared at Rye in disbelief, this had to have been the best experience of my life.
We laid there looking in each other's eyes breathing heavily, when the door burst open.

I stilled, too scared to move. I heard Brookes voice,

"Shit sorry Rye. I didn't realise."
There was a short pause before Brooke closed the door behind him. We both let out a sigh of relief, others short lived though as seconds later Brooke burst back into the room.

"Wait. A minute. Ash? Is.. Is that you?"

Brooke threw his arms up in exasperation,

"What the fuck??"

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