The Concert

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The tinny music in the lift was making me strangely excited for tonight. I couldn't wait to see Brook in action. I practically skipped over to the reception desk and asked the pretty receptionist to call me a taxi... She picked up the phone and in hushed tones booked it for me... In a matter of seconds she was pointing to the doors indicating my ride had arrived.

The cold air hit me immediately, I threw myself into the back of the car sighing as the lush heat soaked into me. After telling the driver the address I sat quietly in the back humming along to Prince on the radio. I texted Brooklyn to let him know I was almost there.

As we pulled up outside the arena he came and opened my door for me, I clambered out and straight into his embrace. The throng of people were moving slowly towards the organized queues, it seemed so daunting. Brook kept me tucked close as he walked around to the performers entrance, he stopped suddenly and faced me.

"Here, this is yours". He placed a card attached to a yellow ribbon over my head, he toyed with the card as it settled on my chest...

"It is a backstage pass. It means you can follow me anywhere...I'm so glad you're here to share this with me Ashley. I can't think of anyone I'd rather have cheering me on."
He kissed me lightly on the lips and took my hand as he guided me inside.

The halls were dark and smelled faintly of men's deodorant and weirdly, popcorn. Brooklyn weaved through the narrow maze as if he'd done it a thousand times, his grip on my hand unwavering.  Eventually we burst into a room that was all white and blue with bright strip lights... All the rest of the band were there, including a few new faces.
"Hey it's Ashley!" They bellowed in unison. They took turns hugging and greeting me, no-one paying any attention to the fact that I'd seen them hours before.
"Ok ok" Brooke shouted over the noise "stop man handling my girl and let me talk to her."

He pulled me into a corner and kissed me full force on the lips. In the excitement I forgot where I was, my hands were in hair as I kissed him deep and fast. After a minute the world slowly filtered back in, and I could hear the guys cat calling and whistling mockingly. We pulled apart panting, both excited and unsure at the same time. I looked at Brooklyn from hooded eyes when an idea popped into my head...
"Hey, could I watch you from the front instead of the sidelines? I wanna see you in action"
He smiled a boyish smile and nodded slowly....
"Anything you want babe."
There was a flurry of action and people trawling into the room, before I knew in was being ushered through a huge door. A big guy with a bald head and a security vest lifted me over a barrier much to the dismay of the other concert goers... I shrugged and smiled apologetically.
Within seconds floods of lights lit up the stage and the boys came charging out.
They all yelled in unison, the audience getting riled up quickly. Women and girls of all ages were shouting lewd remarks and wolf whistling. I smirked to myself knowing that one of them was all mine....

Minutes passed in a blur of upbeat pop songs, butterflies had taken up residence in my stomach as I watched brook own the stage. Completely lost in the music I didn't notice the guy beside me trying to talk to me, until I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. A good looking guy with jet black wavy hair blinked back at me. "HEY!!" He yelled over the music... "HOW AWESOME ARE THESE GUYS??" He grabbed me and kissed me full on the lips...
I pushed him off but before I knew what was happening Brook appeared at the barrier. I saw him lunge for the guy, a strange anger in his eyes, but Ryan pulled him back. After he visibly calmed down Mr Jet Black Hair was holding his hands up in surrender and mouthing sorry over and over.... Brook stood on the barrier.... Roughly he pulled me toward him and kissed me as if his life depended on it. We pulled apart just in time to see Ryan kiss Mr Jet Black Hair smack on the lips before jumping onto the stage and laughing.....

After hours of dancing to Olly Murs and RoadTrip, and the jealous stares of multiple girls in the audience, I was lifted back over the barrier. I ran over, joining the other boys backstage.

"You guys were amazing?!" I exclaimed.

"Not as amazing as Rye's new boyfriend!" Mikey shouted, laughing.

We all joined in, as Rye put his finger to his mouth and fluttered his eyelashes. This had been one of the best nights of my life...

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