Group hug!

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Rye's pov:

We stared at each other, neither one of us daring to look at Brooklyn. I turned my head slightly to look at Brook. In a strained voice, I whispered,

"Hey, bro..."

As Brook moved towards us, I jumped off Ash, taking the sheet with me. Ash let out a strange squeal, now she was laid there completely naked.


She tried to cover herself with her hands, to no avail. I tugged the sheet from myself and threw it over her. She wrapped it around her body as she stood beside me, watching Brooke closely. I bent down to retrieve my joggers and tugged them on quickly. Taking a deep breath, I ran a hand through my hair,

"Well. That could have been embarrassing." I muttered with a feeble attempt at breaking the ice.

Brook stood there scowling.

"How could you? I mean what the fuck man?!"

"Look B-"

"No." Ash said, interrupting me. "This is my fault, not yours Rye. Let me fix this. Brook, I can explain."

"You don't get to fucking explain anything. I know I hurt you, but shagging my best mate to get back at me is a slut's trick!" I gasped at Brook's words, my anger bubbling just beneath the surface. How could he?

"Shut up Brook!" I shouted, stepping closer to Brook. "You dont get to call my girlfriend a slut! Not after everything you've done!"

Brook let a out a chuckle.

"Girlfriend?! Seriously?! Like you could ever have a proper girlfriend! You can't even keep a phone contract never mind a girlfriend. The longest relationship you've ever had lasted a month!"

"And who's fault was that Brook?!"

It was silent for a second. Before Brook replied,

"How could you Rye? The one thing I asked you not to do! Why couldn't you leave her alone? I-"

"You didn't ask me. You told me and to be honest I'm sick of letting you get everything you want, even if it hurts everyone else.. Why couldn't I have what I wanted for once? Why don't I get to be happy?"

"Because! She's only sleeping with you to get back at me. Besides even if she does like you, you'll hurt her all over again. You might like her now... But you'll move on eventually." Brook said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not you Brook! I'm not with Ashley for the fun of it! We're actually dating! We have been since you left her for Lexi! And, no, this isn't a game, we're serious about this. I'm not trying to get back at you! She's not trying to get back at you! I actually want to be with her. In fact, I'm in love with her. We're in love with each other Brook and it started before you broke her heart!"

Brooke looked confused.

"Wait. You've been sleeping together since before we broke up?"

"No!! Fuck sake, of course not! I meant we already sort of had feelings for each other. Neither of us knew what was happening until it was already happening! I don't understand why you're so angry!"

Brooklyn started to yell,

"Because I had her first. I had all of her first! You just got my sloppy seconds! You've ..."

Before he finished his sentence Ashley stepped forward and slapped his face, hard.

"How. Fucking. Dare. You?? You dumped me remember.? You treated me like complete bullshit but you know who picked up the pieces? He did! He came after me every time we had an argument. Not you! Rye. I don't have to listen to this."

She moved past him and stormed out of the room, it would have been much more impressive if she wasn't wearing a bedsheet.

I chased after her. She shouldn't be the one that had to leave. Brook ran after me shouting,

"Don't run away from me you bastard! You don't get to do this to me!" And you Ashley, I hope you're pleased with yourself. I never thought you could be such a friendship-ruining slutbag!"

That was it. I turned around and grabbed Brook by the scruff of his neck. I pushed him up against the wall, breathing heavily.

"What the hell is going on??"

We all simultaneously turned our heads to see Mikey coming out of the kitchen, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Rye let him go!"

I dropped my hands and took a step back.

"What's going on? Ashley, What the fuck are you wearing?"

I moved and wrapped an arm around Ashley's waist, she was sobbing quietly into her hands. I pulled her to me as I spoke,

"Ashley and I are together. We have been for a while but Brook just found out and apparently he's not happy about it."

"No I'm not happy! You stole her from me!"

Mikey stood between us, his face concentrating on Brooklyn,

"How could he have stolen her from you when you broke up with her Brook? Why are you even surprised, you knew how much Rye liked her before you even starting going out properly. He's done nothing wrong except fall in love with a girl you didn't want anymore. What's your problem?"

"She was with me!"

"So? Now she's not. Now Lexi is with you. You're being unfair. Rye was always the one chasing Ash after you upset her. We all saw it, it was inevitable. You love Lexi right?"

Brook sighed exasperated,
"Yeah But..."

"No! No buts you love Lexi. You broke Rye's heart when you stole Lexi and you broke Ashs heart when you dumped her! You hurt them both, but they still cared enough to hide it so it wouldn't hurt you! You never did that! You and Lexi flaunted it like a page 3 model!"

Brooklyn turned to look at Ash and me, his face pale as realisation hit him.

"Oh My God. I'm a dick. I... I don't know what to say."

I put my hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye,

"Just be happy for us man. We didn't plan this, I mean to be honest, I never thought Ash would want me. We didn't do it to hurt you, really. We just love each other."

Ash came over and rested her head on my shoulder,

"He's telling the truth Brooke. We're sorry you found out like that, but we're not sorry it happened."

"You shouldn't be sorry, I should be. I'll get used to it, I promise. You don't have to hide any more. Just give me some time. Okay?"

"Group hug!!"

Mikey yelled as he enveloped us all and pushed us onto sofa, Ashley's sheet came undone and she screamed trying to cover herself.

Brooklyn let out a laugh,

"Don't worry it's nothing I haven't already seen."

I scowled at him as I helped Ash restore her modesty. Mikey covered his face with hands trying not to laugh.

Brook shrugged his shoulder and said with a wink,

"What? Too soon?"


Hi guys! So I've decided to start finishing this story off. The next one or two chapters are gonna be the last ones. I hope you like the book so far. And don't worry, there's a reason behind leaving the book title the same. Thanks for the 3.63k views X

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