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So on the very slim chance that someone who reads this played MCL back in 2014 and happened to read my story when I originally posted it, I want to make this clear: I am the same person as Opal17 who originally posted "I Don't Deserve Love" back in 2014. (Wow, that really dates me. Sheesh, when did I get old :P )

I have decided to repost this story for two reasons:

1. The My Candy Love Fanfiction website had very strict rules about what is and is not appropriate for their readers so I had to tone down the mention of abuse to almost nothing, which I completely understood and complied with. But since Wattpad has maturity settings I am going to post a revamped version of the story that goes into a little bit more detail about the background of my character Opal Sato. I will not go into any crazy details, but there will be mentions of abuse and the road the character has to follow to heal from that experience so if this bothers you please do not read this fic. 

2. It's been over eight years since I wrote this fic and to be honest, I wanted to see what it would be like if the main character ended up with someone different. So I am taking this opportunity to go in and rewrite it so that the plot flows better and explore an alternative ending.

Now that that is out of the way, I hope you enjoy the story. This story and the characters in it are all really close to my heart so I hope those who read will enjoy it. I love reading and responding to comments so even if it's just a smiley face I'd love to see it ^_^

I Don't Deserve Love: Alternate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now