Chapter 64: Lost Love

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Light streamed from my window as I slowly blinked my eyes opened. My head was pounding terribly but the pain became an afterthought as I realized that someone was squeezing my hand firmly. Turning I saw that Auntie was curled up on my bed with me and she was holding my hand tightly, even though she seemed to be asleep. Blinking slowly, memories from yesterday began to filter through my tired and sore brain and tears sprang to my eyes as I remembered what Auntie told me.

"...because Opal, when you're with me, you are not a mistake." As the rays of the morning sun filtered through my window and lit up her ebony hair I gently squeezed the hand holding mine. I didn't think I could ever truly forgive myself for ruining my parents' lives... but I couldn't believe how free and happy it made me feel to know that Auntie didn't see me as a mistake.

Auntie suddenly jerked awake, sitting up and blinking rapidly as our eyes met. Her eyes widened and she tightened her grip on my hand and reached out to stroke my cheek with the other. Tenderness, love, and worry all seemed to flow out of Auntie's eyes as she leaned down and gave me a small smile.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" she whispered and I felt my lips curl up in response.

"My head hurts, but I'm okay," I responded and was surprised at how scratchy my voice was. Auntie nodded her head slowly and leaned down to peck my forehead.

"I'll go get you some water. I made Okayu last night so I'll warm that up for you. Would you like honey on it?" she asked in a whisper. I nodded but tightened my grip on her hand as she moved to leave the bed.

"What happened last night, Auntie? I can't remember anything after we talked." 

Auntie let out a deep sigh and she laid back down, turning to face me. Her gentle fingers stroked my cheek lovingly.

"You scared me is what happened," she said with a hitch in her voice and I blinked then frowned. "The doctors said you had a mild case of hypothermia. They covered you in heated blankets and gave you an IV to warm up your blood. You woke up for a while but were very disoriented and kept saying you wanted to go home. You fell back asleep pretty quick though and the doctors said you were stable so Castiel and I brought you back home."

"Castiel was there?" I asked awkwardly. 

Embarrassment and shame flooded through me as I thought of how I ran away from him. Auntie squeezed my hand and I reluctantly looked up at her.

"He was really worried about you, sweetheart. I think he would have slept over last night to make sure you were okay if Demon wasn't out in the car." 

I could feel my cheeks heating up with embarrassment but at the same time tears began to gather in my eyes.

"Opal, what's wrong?" Auntie asked softly, continuing to stroke my cheek gently.

"I messed up, Auntie," I croaked painfully. 

Auntie scooted closer and gently wrapped me in a hug, pulling me against her. I buried my sore head against Auntie's neck as tears squeezed past my tightly shut lids and listened as Auntie murmured soothingly to me and stroked my hair.

Once I calmed down a bit Auntie kissed my head and slipped out of the room, saying that I should eat and drink something before I exhausted myself. As I waited for her to come back, I glanced at my nightstand and was surprised to see that it was already 8 am. I was too exhausted to worry about missing school right now though, and my gaze slid from my clock to the beautiful glass sculpture that Castiel had given me. The beautiful fairy in her tones of red, orange, and clear glass seemed to mock me with her promise of happiness.

If only a sun fairy really had come to get me on the beach that day, maybe I wouldn't have caused Castiel so much pain. 

Just then Auntie walked through the door with a tray laden with a tall glass of grapefruit juice and a bowl of her special ginger okayu. I ate my breakfast quietly as Auntie fussed over me. When I asked her why she wasn't at work she grumbled under her breath that she was offended that I thought she would go into work when I had just passed out from hypothermia the night before.

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