Chapter 17: Vacation Time!

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"Turn left onto Royal Street and then it should be on the left," I said, reading off the directions winking up at me from my phone. We had been on the road for almost three hours but we had blasted music most of the time and talked the rest so I was almost disappointed that it was about to end.

"Oh, I see it! Dolphin's Keep Hotel. And you can walk to the beach from the hotel! This is perfect!" Auntie squealed as we pulled up to the front of the hotel.

It was a large building made of a warm brownstone and easily ten stories high if not more. As Auntie and I stepped out of the car a valet jogged up to us with a smile.

"Welcome to Dolphin's Keep Hotel. May I park your car for you?" The valet asked cordially and Auntie handed the man her keys.

"Our luggage is in the trunk. We're in room 917, could you have the busboys bring them up?" Auntie asked while handing him a crisp ten dollar bill. The man nodded happily, taking the tip and getting behind the wheel. I walked up next to Auntie and she put an arm around my shoulders.

"Shall we go inspect the room they got us?" she suggested and I nodded eagerly.

We walked into the hotel lobby and I gasped with delight. The lobby was absolutely beautiful. The floor was a creamy white tile with slivers of blue and pink in the marble and all the furniture was white with bright blue accents. Pictures of dolphins were hung expertly around the lobby and the hotel desk was made of the same marble as the floor. Auntie and I walked up to the concierge who greeted us pleasantly. Auntie gave him the reservation ticket her boss had given her which the concierge took happily. He then presented both of us with a keycard.

"Your reservation includes access to our gym and spa, as well as our indoor pool which you can access from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm every day. If your keycard gets demagnetized just bring it to the desk and we'll issue you a new one, although to keep this from happening, please keep it away from your cellphone. If you have any questions you can use the phones in your suite to call the desk or room service. Enjoy your stay at Dolphin's Keep Hotel."

"I'm sure we will," Auntie responded pleasantly.

With a small wave, we left the concierge and began walking down the hall towards the elevator. I had never been in a hotel before and I took everything in with fascination. Auntie pushed the button for the elevator and with a ding one of the metal doors slid open. I quickly pushed the number nine and gave Auntie a triumphant grin which made her laugh.

"And so the war begins," she said in a mock competitive voice.

"Whoever gets the next elevator first gets to choose where we eat dinner," I challenged.

"Deal!" Auntie agreed as the doors opened. "But first let's check out our room!"

Auntie and I walked down the deep blue carpeted hallway until we came to room 917. She whipped out her card and inserted it into the lock before I could even get mine out of my purse. With a wink, she stuck her tongue out at me and I laughed at her. She opened the door and I walked in after her, expectantly. Our mouths dropped open in amazement at the same time as we took it all in.

The walls were painted like a mural of the sea with dolphin pods swimming from one end to the other. The artwork was absolutely stunning. The room boasted two queen-sized beds with blue and green blankets and pillows that matched the colors in the mural. In between the beds was a large aquarium with colorful fish swimming around and a large flat-screen TV was positioned across from the beds. On the far wall was a glass screen door that opened onto a beautiful balcony with a view of the nighttime beach and with what looked like a hot tub.

"Who needs the ocean? We've got it in our room," Auntie said with amazement.

I nodded my agreement mutely, absolutely stunned. I noticed a door to my right and opened it slowly to reveal the bathroom. It had a full-sized jacuzzi and separate shower stall. The vanity was huge and the towels were a vibrant blue. Auntie and I exchanged incredulous looks before grinning and shutting the door. A knock came and Auntie opened the door for the busboys bringing our luggage. Auntie gave the busboys another tip and sent them on their way.

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