Chapter 31: Another Doctor

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"Miss Opal! Mr. Nathaniel!" I brought my head up off of Nathaniel's shoulder at the unexpected voice echoing through the woods.

"Did you hear that?" I asked tiredly. Nathaniel nodded, causing a lock of his hair to brush against my cheek, but I was too exhausted to even care at this point. He slowly turned in a circle until a flickering light caught my eye. I pointed as excitedly as I could and yelled, "Look over there!"

"We're over here!" Nathaniel called loudly.

He then made his way quickly towards the light, doing his best not to jostle me. My ankle throbbed but I had finally gotten the pain under control. The light came closer and closer until a flustered Mr. Tremont came into view.

"There you are you... Miss Opal? What happened?" he asked worriedly, flitting over to us.

"She fell off a boulder and hurt her ankle. Are we far from the buses?"

"No, not far. Follow me."

We followed Mr. Tremont as he explained that the race had taken longer than expected. The last team had come out just as it was getting dark and the winners were announced shortly afterward. It was only then that they realized that we had gone missing. The teachers had all gone out in search of us while the students were loaded on the buses and given pizza.

I listened to Mr. Tremont's nervous chatter and rested my head back down on Nathaniel's shoulder, feeling unbelievably tired and oddly warm. The trees began to thin and I sighed with relief as a clearing came into sight. Three buses were parked on the far end with their lights turned on, illuminating a frazzled Principal Shermansky who was pacing back and forth.

As we entered the clearing the principal looked up and screeched, "Opal and Nathaniel! Where in heaven's name have you been?" She raced towards us and opened her mouth, probably to scold us, but then she blinked and seemed to realize for the first time that Nathaniel was carrying me. "Now what's this then?"

"Opal hurt herself, Principal. It was all..."

"My fault," I interrupted.

"Well, let her down, Nathaniel. Mr. Faraize has some medical training; he should be here in a moment."

She pulled out a little walkie-talkie and explained the situation to Mr. Faraize. He replied immediately that he was almost there. Nathaniel lowered my feet gently to the ground and I remained leaning against his back to keep my balance before easing myself into a sitting position, leaving my bad ankle stretched out in front of me.

"So, tell me what happened."

"Well, Principal, I..." Nathaniel started and again I cut him off.

"It was all my fault, Principal Shermansky. I'd never seen a squirrel before and I saw one climbing in the trees near the path; I got so excited that I followed it. It was so cute with its bushy tail and hopping from tree to tree; I couldn't help myself. Nathaniel kept telling me that we needed to stay on the path but I was too caught up in the moment."

"That's not..." Nathaniel tried to interrupt but I talked over him.

"By the time I lost sight of the squirrel I realized that I was completely lost. Nathaniel and I tried our best to find the path again but we just couldn't find our way out. Then I saw a large rock and thought if I climbed to the top maybe I'd see a way out of there. Nathaniel told me not to but I wouldn't listen. Isn't that right, Nathaniel?" I asked, glancing up at him.

"Well, yah, but..."

"I'm here!" Mr. Faraize burst out of the forest and came right up to us, dropping to his knees and studying me. "The left ankle?" he asked and I nodded.

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