Chapter 3: A New Beginning

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"Alright, miss, this is your stop," the cheerful, middle-aged taxi driver informed me. 

I looked out the window to see a beautiful apartment building. Each floor had a black patio circling the front, making a striking contrast to the white stone of the building, and the lush green lawn was obviously well cared for.

I admired what was going to be my new home and felt a surge of excitement go through me. I'm really here, I thought to myself in disbelief.

My phone rang and I answered it immediately, "Auntie?"

"Opal! You haven't gotten to the apartment yet, have you?"

"Just arrived, actually," I replied happily as I looked at the elegant apartment building again.

"Oh no! I wanted to be there to welcome you! I'm so sorry, sweetheart, my meeting went later than I was expecting. I will be there in five minutes, I promise. Just stay in the taxi, alright? Let me speak to him for a minute."

"The taxi driver?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, of course, who else?"

I chuckled and handed my phone to the taxi driver who had been taking my suitcase out of the trunk. He took it with a confused expression, but it quickly changed to one of understanding. I turned away, not wanting to be nosy, and inspected every inch of the complex in front of me while wondering which flat belonged to my auntie.

"Yes, ma'am, I don't mind at all. Thank you very much. Yes, ma'am." I turned around and saw the taxi driver hang up. He then handed the phone back to me. "Your aunt would like you to wait in the car until she gets here."

"Oh, you don't have to do that. I can sit in the grass for five minutes."

The taxi driver pointed at the taxi and gave me a teasingly strict look. "I have been explicitly ordered to not allow you out of my sight. I am to wait for Miss Sato and she will pay me and give me a nice tip for waiting with you."

He winked good-naturedly and I sighed in exasperation, looking at the pavement and trying to hide my grin. Living with Auntie was going to be the best thing that had ever happened to me, I just knew it. Not that I deserve it, a dark part of my subconscious scolded me softly. I accepted those words, but I tried not to dwell on them as I allowed the happiness I felt to bury my feelings of guilt and misgiving.

I was looking through some pictures the taxi driver kept of his nieces in his wallet when another taxi pulled up behind mine. Auntie practically leaped out of the backseat and I was quick to follow suit. Our eyes locked and she practically tackled me while giving me a huge hug. I fought back a wince as she squeezed my tender shoulder, but I returned her hug in full force, breathing in deeply her scent of wildflowers and honey.

Auntie stepped back and held me at arm's length, looking me up and down. As she did, I examined her too. Her silky, shoulder-length black hair was pulled back in a beautiful French Knot that complimented her sharp business attire. She was wearing a black, knee-length pencil skirt with a red silk blouse and her ridiculous six-inch high heels that made her average height of 5'6" into an imposing 6'0". At 5'7" myself, I had to look up to see her almond-shaped brown eyes and delicate nose; gentle features and brown-tinted skin gave her Japanese ancestry away.

"You made it here alright? No trouble with the layovers? You didn't lose your luggage?"

"It was the perfect trip, Auntie," I announced with a smile. She sighed and pulled me into another hug.

"I was so worried. You are so young and yet you had to fly across the entire country to get here by yourself."

"It's fine, Auntie. I'm seventeen, remember? I can take care of myself."

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