Chapter 41: ...Surprise!

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"I can't wait for your audition! You're..."

"Shhh!" I hurriedly shushed Alexy's excited chatter and looked all around me.

Midterms had blown by and during fall break I practically lived at Feel da Beat and fabric stores. Auntie and Alexy had debated for a whole week before they even knew what colors they were going to use. I had stood dutifully as they held swatches up to my face and draped cloth here and there. When those two weren't at me for more measurements or opinions I was in the recording room with Shin Woo, putting the finishing touches on the background CD and memorizing the lyrics. The fifteen-day break had flown by faster than I could believe and now Alexy, Armin, and I were walking to school and the first day of auditions.

"What? You're not backing out are you?" Alexy asked suspiciously while narrowing his eyes at me. I scoffed, giving him an incredulous look.

"Are you kidding? Auntie would murder me!" Alexy laughed and Armin chuckled. "I just... don't want people to know I'm auditioning. If I make it into the show then you can talk about it."

"What do you mean 'If'?" Alexy asked in disbelief. "If I slaved over the perfect outfit for nothing then I might be the one to murder you."

I rolled my eyes and smiled tightly. Honestly, I hoped that I wouldn't make it into the show. Performing in front of Auntie who loved me was wonderful because I knew that even if I messed up she wouldn't care, but to dance and sing in front of a roomful of strangers? I tried to keep from shuddering as I thought of it. That was not the kind of attention I ever wanted.

"Please... just don't tell anyone until later," I begged and Alexy sighed.

"Fine," he agreed unhappily and I exhaled in relief and smiled up at him.

"How did your midterms go? I forgot to ask before now."

"They were fine. I'm pretty good at school when I try," Alexy said and Armin nodded in agreement.

"Do you think they'd let me play Guitar Hero on the big screen as a talent?" Armin asked and Alexy groaned.

After stopping at each of our lockers we walked to class together and took our seats.

"How was your break, Opal?" Nathaniel asked, looking up from his crime novel.

"It was busy," I replied honestly and smiled at him. "What about yours?"

"I mainly worked on scholarship applications and volunteer work. College applications are due by December, after all." I propped my chin in my hand,

"Mmmm. I guess you're right; I had forgotten."

Nathaniel's eyes widened and he gave me a disbelieving look. "You forgot about college applications? Do you know where you are going to go?"

I bit my lip and shook my head. Before now the future hadn't seemed to hold any possibilities and now that I lived with Auntie it seemed like every day was a new adventure... I hadn't even considered what I would do in the next chapter of my life.

"I would have thought you were going to be a doctor or something," Nathaniel remarked thoughtfully and I blinked.

"A doctor? Why?"

"Well, you're really nice and considerate of others. Plus you're super smart."

I laughed and smiled, blushing slightly. "Well, thank you, but I don't think that would be my first choice."

I thought back to all the hospitals and ER's I had been to over my lifetime and shook my head. I definitely didn't want to work there.

The bell rang just as Lysander and Castiel walked into the room, deep in discussion, and they took their seats behind Nathaniel and me. Lysander gave me a half-smile and Castiel smirked at me before Mr. Schiess began passing back our midterm exams. My morning classes passed by quickly and I smiled at Dajan as I walked out of AP Psychology.

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