Chapter 49: Results

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"Where have you been?"

I winced as I looked up into Auntie's livid eyes. She was standing in the lobby with her arms crossed and her high-heeled foot tapping impatiently.

"I'm sorry, Auntie. I needed to clear my head."

My excuse was pretty lame, I knew that, but Auntie's anger melted away and she rushed over, pulling me into a hug.

"Oh, sweetheart, you had me so worried! I'd better call Shin Woo and tell him you're back."

"Shin Woo went to look for me?" I asked guiltily and Auntie nodded.

"I was going to go after you when you didn't come back after the song finished, but then Lysander came out and asked where you had gone. I figured you wouldn't want to be interrupted, but I waited and waited and neither of you came back. I was so worried!" Auntie tightened her grip on me and I hugged her back.

"I'm sorry," I repeated and she shook her head.

"What happened? Did you two get in a fight?" she asked sympathetically and I sighed.

"Sort of. But we're okay; we talked it out. I just got really emotional and needed some time on my own," I explained glumly. Auntie nodded, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"I'm glad to hear you're okay."

She quickly called Shin Woo and when he burst through the doors and saw me he also scolded then hugged me. We all quietly slid into our seats just as the last act, an opera singer, was ending her song. Applause rang out and I joined in, trying to share their excitement. Alexy walked out wearing the black tux from earlier, but this time he had a green bow tie and hankie.

"Thank you, Rachel! Wasn't that incredible? Well, the time has come to vote for your favorite acts and choose the winners! Everyone, please pull out your cellphones!"

I blinked in surprise as Shin Woo and Auntie both took out their phones. I hadn't brought mine with me since my pants didn't have pockets, so I sat back and watched.

Slowly a huge screen on a moving platform was inched onto the stage and I blinked when I saw that the one moving the platform was none other than Nathaniel. As he carefully pushed the screen, one of his fellow student council members carried in a stool with a projector on it. They quickly set things up and turned the projector on. A large five-digit number stretched across the top of the screen with a list of all the acts' names down below it numbered 1 through 25.

"I'm not sure if you've ever done this before, but just type in the five-digit number in the recipient space for a text, then in the message type the number that corresponds with the act you liked the best! Please note that we did not leave out Lady Mysteria on accident, she asked to be left out of the voting."

A murmur spread through the audience and Auntie beamed.

"Looks like you would have won if you hadn't taken your name out," she said happily and I blushed. "Who should I vote for? I loved Lysander's band, but the basketball boys were pretty good and I loved the ballerina! She was so elegant!"

Auntie hemmed and hawed before finally choosing Lysander's band and sending her text in. I watched the screen in fascination as different acts began to gather votes and a bar slowly grew next to their names before my eyes.

"Has everyone voted?" Alexy asked a few minutes later. When no one responded he nodded and glanced at the screen. "Well, it seems pretty clear who the favorites were! Ladies and gentlemen, please give another round of applause for our third-place winner, Madison Sweeton and her Ninja Nunchucks!"

Madison ran onto the stage squealing and waving. Mr. Tremont handed her a small bouquet and a $25 gift card to Outback Steakhouse. Alexy clapped enthusiastically and continued.

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