Chapter 37: Bad Idea

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"You... what?" he asked while squinting at me like I had just sprouted horns.

"I can't drive," I repeated, feeling my cheeks flare with heat.

"Why not? You don't have a license?" he asked, still squinting at me. I shook my head. "Why?" he asked again and I bit my lip.

"Well, it was required that I take driver's ed through my old school and I passed my written test but I was... incapacitated, so I couldn't take the actual driving test."

"And you never went back?"

"My father was never going to give me a car and he didn't want to pay for the license so... no," I admitted miserably as I felt tears start to prickle the back of my eyes. Castiel was so sick he had almost fainted and I couldn't take him home. I felt like such a failure.

"But you know how to drive?" he asked shakily.

"I haven't driven a car since I was fifteen," I admitted. He shook his head slightly and I noticed beads of sweat on his forehead.

"But you do know how to," he repeated and I nodded slowly. "Then put the key in the ignition and take me home."

"I don't have a license! If a cop pulls us over..."

"If a cop pulls us over you'll say you forgot your wallet and he'll give us a fine which my parents will pay for. Now do it," Castiel growled.

I gulped past a lump in my throat and shakily pulled out the keys Castiel had shoved in my pocket. Blowing out a terrified breath I inserted the key into the ignition and paused.

"Now turn it," Castiel commanded in a weak voice and I nodded, twisting the key and nearly jumping out of my skin when the car roared to life. "Good. Now turn left out of the parking lot until you get to Midway, then turn right," Castiel instructed me.

I nodded and bit my lip as I placed a hand on the shifter, pushing in the button on the side and clicking it down into the reverse position.

I can do this. I can do this, I repeated to myself as I slowly touched my foot to the gas pedal. We began to crawl backward and Castiel chuckled breathily.

"You're as slow as a snail. Hurry up before I pass out and can't give you directions."

"I'd like to remind you that this is your own fault for not taking proper care of yourself," I said, not even caring when I squeaked from fright.

Pressing my lips into a firm line I focused all my concentration on backing out of the parking space without hitting any other cars. Quickly I hit the brakes when I had successfully navigated into the aisle between the cars.

"Let me drive, Grandma," Castiel wheezed and I glared over at him.

"You stay right where you are, Castiel. Would you rather I drive like a grandma or crash this expensive car?"

Castiel blinked over at me and smirked slightly.

"When did you grow a backbone?"

I gulped and gripped the steering wheel tightly. "I'm just... a little tense," I admitted and then put the car into drive and began gliding out of the parking lot.

I had only ever driven the driver's ed car which had been an old Chevrolet Cavalier that had seen better days. In comparison, Castiel's convertible was much easier to handle, but I could feel cold sweat running down my back as I thought of how many ways I could possibly ruin it.

"Turn left," Castiel said once I had guided us to the parking lot exit.

"I know," I muttered while searching the many buttons and knobs on the dash and steering wheel.

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