Chapter 23: Shopping Trip

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"You're the girl who helped my brother and me yesterday."

I looked up with a start to see Alexy looking down at me with a wide grin. We were the first ones in the classroom; the warning bell hadn't even rung yet.

"Yes, that's me. Did you find all of your classes okay?"

"Yup! Thanks for the help," he said cheerfully while leaning against my desk, folding his arms on top of it. "So your name was...Opal?"

"Yah, Opal Sato. And you're Alexy, right?"

"Hey, you got it! Armin's at home today, he stayed up all night playing his video games and wouldn't wake up. He was supposed to go shopping with me after school too," Alexy said sulkily. He knelt on the ground and leaned his chin on top of his folded arms on my desk forlornly. I had a powerful urge to ruffle his hair and I quickly clasped my hands together.

"So, you're the mastermind behind your outfits?" I asked and he looked up at me with wide eyes.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, both you and Armin are dressed so stylishly. My aunt is in the fashion industry and the first time I saw you I thought that she would love your style. It's very colorful and vibrant."

Alexy's mouth dropped open and he grabbed my hands. "You know about fashion? Do you like to shop?" he asked excitedly.

I blinked rapidly, trying to decide whether to laugh or move my hands from under his grip. Alexy is so excitable, I thought with interest.

"Well, Auntie is better at it, but I like to shop, yes."

"Will you go shopping with me after school?" Alexy was almost shouting now, his purple eyes shining with excitement.

I quickly did a mental checklist. I had a dance lesson with Shin Woo at seven and I didn't know what my homework load would be, but after looking once more into Alexy's excited face I couldn't say no.

"Sure. But I have to be home by six." Alexy leaned forward, bringing our hands up in between us.

"That's perfect! I'll meet you at the entrance doors right after school!" Alexy said enthusiastically and sat down at the desk next to mine. Something about his bubbly personality reminded me of Auntie and I found myself wanting to get to know him more.

"Do you mind if I ask why you moved here?"

"Dad got transferred to a company near here," he answered and then grinned. "I'm really glad I moved here! My old school kinda sucked, I'm excited for a new start." I nodded slowly in understanding.

"That was the same with me. I moved here after spring break last year. It's an awesome school; I love everything about it." Alexy's mouth dropped open and he gawked at me.

"You moved here too? Are you serious? But you're, like, a legend!"

Now it was my turn to be shocked.

"What? No way," I said, waving my hand in a dismissive gesture.

"It's true! I asked a bunch of people about you since you were nice and helped my brother and me out. Everyone was saying how you stood up to the school bully in the cafeteria, and the basketball team idolizes you, and you're super smart."

I opened and closed my mouth in shock. People are talking about me? Why on earth would they do that?

"Good morning, Opal." I looked up at Nathaniel's cheerful face. He sat down in the other chair next to me and leaned forward to look at Alexy. "Morning," he said with a friendly smile.

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