Chapter 42: Secrets Make the World Go 'Round

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Breathing heavily, I looked down at Mr. Tremont who continued to stare at me with wide eyes. I had sung with all my heart and done all of the moves perfectly; it had felt so exhilarating! As I caught my breath though, I began to feel more and more nervous.

Why isn't Mr. Tremont saying anything? Did I squeak? Or maybe he didn't think dancing suits me? Or maybe... My thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly exploded from his seat and began clapping exuberantly.

"Marvelous! Stupendous! It was bold, dramatic, daring, emotional! Miss Opal, I didn't know you had that spectrum of talent!"

I blinked in shock and felt my cheeks begin to heat up. "Thank you, Mr. Tremont. So... will I be in the show?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course, you'll be in the show! You..." Mr. Tremont stopped in the middle of his sentence and from the stage I could see his eyes widening and his mouth drop open.

Now what is he thinking? I wondered anxiously, not liking this "A-ha" expression he was giving me. I didn't have to wait long to find out; he raced from his seat up onto the stage with me and clasped my hands in his. I looked down at the short man who was grinning with almost manic glee.

"I have just had... the most BRILLIANT idea," he said slowly and deliberately. I blinked fretfully as he continued to grin and squeeze my hands. "Have you told anyone you were going to audition?"

I shook my head quickly as a silent response. Remembering how I had essentially lied to Lysander earlier I felt guilt make me open my mouth though.

"I didn't want to in case I didn't make it in," I admitted with a sigh.

"This is perfect!" Mr. Tremont exclaimed, throwing both our hands in the air and spinning around happily. I lowered my hands in bewilderment as I watched him and suddenly he stopped spinning and pointed directly at me.

"YOU will become the Talent Show's Mystery Act!" I looked at him and I was sure my face was conveying the complete and utter confusion I was feeling, but Mr. Tremont didn't seem to notice. "It will be dramatic! Unexpected! SHEER POETRY!" he roared and I jumped in surprise at the intensity of his voice.

"Umm... I don't think I understand..." I admitted apologetically. Mr. Tremont nodded as if that was to be expected.

"To put it simply, the principal forced me to drop my fall play this year so that I could be in charge of the talent show, but I cannot go through a year without the thrill and drama of a stage performance. And so," Once again he pointed at me and I gulped, feeling an acute sense of dread. "I will create drama by not listing your name in the program! You will be known as nothing but 'The Mystery Girl'... or perhaps 'Maiden X'... hmmm.... this will need some thought," he mused, turning away and mumbling to himself. I watched him pace and tried to process what he was suggesting.

"So... I'm in the show, but no one will know it's me? Won't the other performers feel left out?" I asked awkwardly. Mr. Tremont suddenly clapped, eliciting another flinch from me.

"You're right! EVERYONE should feel the drama and suspense of 'The Masked Woman'!" He stopped and then shook his head. "No, definitely not," he muttered under his breath.

"Ummm... how will you keep it a secret from everyone?" I asked and he faced me again, his excitement back in full swing as he explained.

"You will not practice with any of the other performers. I won't even list your name on the announcement sheet! We will keep your identity completely hidden until the night of the performance."

I rubbed my arm awkwardly, feeling very conflicted. Why is this happening to me? I didn't even want to perform in the first place and now I'm being pulled into some over-the-top scheme, I thought a little dejectedly as I tried to hold in a sigh.

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